Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Misato Ugaki: Few(many) more recent tidbits....


 Really thought September would be a much busier month for posts than August. However this is just the 50th for September which ties last month so will top August but only by a post or two but there have been fewer drama recaps. Misato is a mega fave of mine and did finish in the third position on the 2019 yearly list. There's no woman I'd rather see have a photobook but have a feeling not many viewers are as ga-ga as I am about her. Was just checking and Misato's posts really aren't that popular, her first few were but since then the amount of views for each post has really tumbled.

 Sure lack of gravure pics has something to do with Misato not being too popular which is one reason I'd love to see her have a photobook but then again her regular pics all rate an A++++ to me. What a slowish period it was this year for Misato as up until August she hadn't been nearly as busy as prior years. But this is her third post in seven weeks and how I hope that pace continues as it appears she's finally.... er, um.... back in the swing of things!

 Pun was intended. So if you are a part of Misato's smallish fan base then you should be enjoying this post as there's about 55 new pics and for some reason she seems to be busier during the Autumn season. First set of new pics are from the Vivi site.

 In her last two posts Misato was the cover girl for a pair of magazines. No such honor for today but do have two spreads from Bijin Hyakka and this first set is from their June issue. As you can see she's modeling watches but doesn't time stop for Misato!!!!

 Not much announcing these days for Misato but she did have her first major role in a drama this Summer and will admit I haven't seen it yet but it's on my 'Need to watch' list. Second Bijin Hyakka spread is from their September edition.

 To me these are the top new pics for today which are for the Tocco Closet Autumn collection.

 As I've mentioned many times in her previous posts Misato does enjoy the spirits so doesn't it make sense for her to appear....

 .... in a CM to promote an alcoholic drink? She hadn't to date but Misato does have a new CM for 'Takara can Chuhai' and her first video for them came out yesterday. It's to promote a new drink called Sumika and right above is a pic for it. Yesterday there was an event to promote the new drink and video, Misato really shines at events and one reason for her not being busy earlier this year is because of the ban on events. Have plenty of terrific pics from it here and really enjoy that bottom one. Following the pics is a short video of the event and here's the new video: Sumika CM

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