Monday, November 22, 2021

Hinako Sakurai: "Gohoubi Gohan" drama, episode seven recap


Air Dates: October 2nd to December 19th Sunday nights at midnight on BS TV-Tokyo
Total of twelve episodes, 23 minutes a show and subs were done by Macthitza at DA

Main Cast: Small cast and all the characters are quite likable, through five episodes Hinako has been in 100% of the scenes.

Hinako Sakura as Sakiko Ikeda.... 22 year old woman who has just moved to Tokyo from Nagano and has begun work as an OL at the Suzume Stationary Company in the distribution department. Sakiko is an efficient worker but doesn't have enough confidence in herself, to make herself feel better Food has become her biggest passion. Doesn't matter if it's eating out or at home as Sakiko has such pleasure in the meals she consumes and it's quite hilarious watching her eat.

Sae Okazaki as Kaede Kominato.... Works at the same office and has been there a little while longer than Sakiko who at first was quite intimidated by Kaede. But at the end of the first show the pair bumped into each other at a ritzy burger shop, they found out they have so much in common and are becoming best friends.

Miku as Aoyagi.... Office manager at Suzume Stationary and Sakiko was petrified of her at first but after sharing a meal with her found out Aoyagi is a down to earth, funny woman.

Oolong Yoshida as Morigasaki.... One of the directors of the stationary company.

Kizuki as Honda.... Goofy office worker who became Sakiko's first 'friend' at the company.

Hinako has many behind the scenes videos on her YT channel from the drama, here's the link to it if you want to view a few of them: Hinako's YT channel

Previous recaps, episode four wasn't subbed:

 Don't know if this was the best show to date but was one of the more educational ones as I discovered so many new dishes, you'll see plenty of screenshots of them. As briefly mentioned in the last recap eating too often and too excess can have it's drawbacks, of course that's gaining weight. That's Sakiko in the top screenshot, she didn't say what her weight was but she was stunned at how much she's gained. 'Exercise' was the solution she thought and Sakiko took up jogging.... for all of one day! Exercising isn't for her so perhaps she should cut down on how much she ate and try to eat more healthy foods. That'll have to wait at least one more episode as the next day at work her new best mate Kaede arrived at the office with some bread. Not just any bread but the best Sakiko has ever tried, you can see that loaf above and Kaede had to wait an hour in line at a popular bakery for it.

 Things seem to be going much better at the Suzume Stationary company for Sakiko and Kaede who both have been there just a few months. The pair did a superb job on a project, so well their supervisor Aoyagi who you can see above wants to bring out the two gals to a special restaurant, after that evening Sakiko may need to go on a year long diet! At first Aoyagi seemed to be a Robotic person in Sakiko's eyes but after sharing a meal with her in the second show she realized what a nice and interesting person her boss was. That bottom screenshot above is where Aoyagi took her two workers, in Japan Brazilian restaurants are called Churrascaria which is where they ended up.

 Don't know where the trio of women put it all but what a feast they had, know I won't do justice to describing the yummy looking food. First off were some Beef spareribs and later on the trio had some Pork ones. As you can see above Frango was another dish they partook in along with Fried Pineapples, Rump Steak, Brochette and so much more. Sure the tab was mighty high but it was an all you can eat and drink restaurant, Sakiko did down much alcohol and she can really hold it well. In previous episodes many have snickered at Sakiko for the way she acts when eating delicious foods. She's not the only one though as so haven't Aoyagi and Kaede when they've been with her and all three did draw a few chuckles from some eaters as the trio floated up to seventh heaven!

 Besides eating there was also some girl talk. Aoyagi had first visited this ultra superb restaurant five years ago with her boyfriend but they broke up quite a while ago. Of course Sakiko doesn't have a steady man, she's never even gone out on a date! So to her shock Kaede blurted out she has a boyfriend and has been dating him since college, over two years it's been. But according to Kaede he's probably not going to be the man she settles down, they don't see as much of each other since she began working. They do e-mail/text each other often but to Kaede the man appears to be too much of a worrywart and also a tad jealous but for now she'll continue having this unnamed man as a boyfriend. The evening eventually came to an end, much more food was somehow eaten and in a stunning move Aoyagi jumped up to join the Samba dancers when they were doing their performance.

 So that memorable night of gouging took place on a Friday, after eating too many pounds of food to count what should be on Sakiko's mind when she arose that Saturday morning? If you said food you're 100% correct and how could she be hungry after that massive feast the night before? Don't know but she did whip something very appetizing which is above, a very large French Toast breakfast. Sakiko used the bread that Kaede had given her the day before, she let that and the ingredients for it sit in the fridge all night and guess that makes all the difference in the world as far as taste goes. You ever notice how much larger and more appetizing Japanese bread(pan) is compared to American bread? 

 With episodes just 22 minutes in length that morning repast brought us to the end of this show. Sakiko began this episode off saying she needed to diet, after all she ate that Friday night she better begin on another diet ASAP! Every single show has been solid to date, this will end up being one of my most enjoyable dramas in a long time and as mentioned do recommend it. Am now caught up with the subbing team as far as shows go so the next batch of recaps won't be for almost three weeks. To date have been doing two at a time, there's five shows left so will do three recaps and then the final two episodes.

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