Thursday, December 23, 2021

Nogizaka46: The awe-inspiring.... 'Mai Shinuchi post' #17....


 If your jaw has dropped to the ground I can understand why, mine may never shut again!!!! Those could be her most alluring pics to date and you'll see an encore viewing of them to end off the post. In one week will be doing a pair of posts for who the most popular women were here for 2021, that's figured out by how many views they averaged for their posts. Only requirement is that six solo posts are needed and 28 this year hit that mark. Bring that up for while Mai will certainly not be #1 she may be battling for the 28th position! Don't think she'll finish last but it won't be much higher, the list will be for the top sixteen but will figure out everyone's average. Know who the most popular gal was here for the year, perhaps even number two but after that I'm curious to see who you viewers liked the most.

 For the first time Mai did qualify for the yearly faves list and ended up in the 17th position. But she's a much bigger fave than that to me and if I ever have a list for for my top all time Nogi members she'd finish in the top four, maybe 2022 will finally be the year for that list. Mai's posts draw an okay amount of views but not compared to her Nogi mates, not enough gravure pics or perhaps because she's too old? On January 22nd she will be the first Nogi member to hit the age of thirty but that will only last for a month. Mai did announce her graduation five weeks ago and no date has been set but it'll be happening in February. But not at one of Nogi's 'Birthday Concerts' as for the first time ever they'll be taking place in May instead of February but she will get a proper sendoff.

 Have a bit more to discuss about the graduation but will wait on that as I expect to have 2-3 more Mai posts before she departs and I truly hope that's not the last we see of her here. Wouldn't think so as Mai has her head on straight and she's a natural host so can see her doing that on radio or variety shows plus she's been a model for a couple of magazines. Speaking of radio shows she's been the host of the 'All Night Nippon' show since March 2016, it's a Nogi show so wonder if she'll remain as the host after graduating? If I was management the answer would be yes for of the fifty or so Idol radio shows that's by far the most popular one. Some pics from the last two shows with the top five with some of her second generation mates, soon will any of them be left?

 So after Mai leaves it'll mean just three second generation members are left. This pic is from March 2020 and the Flash site, she has a new interview at their site but will save that for her next post. Twenty months ago there were nine 2G members in Nogi, soon it'll be a trio....

 Unlike Keya and Hina when it comes to group cards Nogi is not equal! Been thinking that for years and when you visit their shop or other sites Mai seems to have less cards then any member however do have some newish monthly cards for September and October.

 Just a few recent blog pics but that bottom one was too terrific to hold on to! Mai has had more posts than ever, this makes nine since the beginning of the year though she's always had many pics in Nogi group posts. Speaking of them there may never be any more group ones, so many of my older faves have left so now it's down to about seven members I post often about. But still post about graduates as two ex-Nogi members made this year's top ten on the fave's list.

 Mai hasn't had a solo spread since March but her sets over the years have been among my top ones of any member. Often include an oldie spread because there's no new ones but have enough new pics for today don't have to do that. But Mai will be in the next issue of Platinum Flash plus I expect there to be a few more around the time of her graduation. That last solo spread was for the March issue of BLT Graph, hard to top the outtake pics from it which were better than the spread!

 Sigh, some gals have all the luck....

 Mai has been a model with the Oggi magazine since April 2019 and hope she remains with them after leaving Nogi. She rarely appears in their magazines but always has plenty of fine looking pics at their site and the amount of them have really increased this year, these are from the past month.

 Nogi does give their members a proper sendoff with concerts and these days photobooks as their last seven have all been graduation ones. But there will finally be a regular book coming out in February, will do a post for that member soon. On January 25th Mai's second book will be released, that's three days after her 30th birthday. Her first photobook came out in November 2017, had there been more gravure pics it may have been my top one from a Nogi member. Top four pics here are the covers plus there's a few promo pics that were in her last post.

 We've hit the end to this fabulous post and have fourteen new advance/outtake pics from the photobook that have come out in the last ten days. Whew, few of these are simply breathtaking and Mai is certainly going out in style as it appears this could be one of the best Nogi books ever! Not a gravure one but there's something about that third pic which I really love. There's four new group videos she's in that have come out this month but they're way too long at 85+ minutes. So after the pics have one of my top group CM's which came out in March 2020 for Asahi Dry Beer.

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