Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Nogizaka46: The festive 'Mizuki Yamashita post' #16....


 Think a post or two ago for Mizuki wondered how she has so few solo posts, at the time it was probably #14. Now we're up to sixteen and still am slightly baffled about the total. But then again her first solo post wasn't until January 2020 so sixteen posts in 23 months guess makes sense, it's little over eight a year. The first Mizuki post featured an event and some mag spreads that were promoting her first photobook. These pics above are from the book and it raises an urgent question.... where's her second book? That's a poser I can't give an answer to but you have to figure there will be one eventually. That first book has sold ~185,000 copies so you know management probably wants a second book and have a feeling that may happen in 2022. Another member has their second photobook coming outing February and will have a post for her soon. That will be the first non-graduate book in fifteen months and hope that's the tip of the iceberg....

 For the second year in a row Mizuki qualified for the faves list but for the second year in a row barely missed the top twenty. Have a feeling she's going to be joining two other faves of mine who for some odd reasons will never make the list and forgot to mention that in the recap post done for the 2021 list. But I do like the three quite a bit and will always post about them, maybe I take the trio too much for granted? So Mizuki has been with Nogi for a little over five years now and have to admit I wasn't too fond of her in the beginning. On the group's variety shows she came off as being way too serious and perhaps at times a bit conniving in her quest to be a popular Idol. But she's changed over the last two or so years and has become so much more likable. That started a bit before her January 2020 photobook came out and also appearing in the 'Eizouken' drama really helped as she was paired up with two of Nogi's most outgoing members.

 Speaking of 'Eizouken' I miss Nogi group dramas and that was their last regular one. To me they've always been enjoyable, especially the "Zambi" show, but with so many departed first and second generation members it may not be the same. That bottom pic above is for the "Janai Hou no Kanojo" series that began on October 11th and Mizuki had a fairly big role in it, the number of Nogi gals appearing in regular dramas these days has really increased. Have some recent pics from her Instagram page with a few from the drama's set, bottom two are my top pics.

 Have quite a variety of things for today and if you're a Mizuki fan there may be another post very soon. She'll be the cover girl for the next issue of Platinum Flash which comes out later this week.

 There's been plenty of Nogi cards this year, quite a few for today and am holding back many for that next post. First three are from the group's 'Always With You' collection while the rest are 'Nogi Fes' cards and pics, final Christmas ones just came out last week.

 Mizuki has been a CanCam magazine model since August 2018. No new spreads for them today but have some superb newish pics from their site.

 On November 26th there was a special 'CanCam 40th Birthday' night and it was naturally for the magazine's 40th anniversary. Mizuki has become one of their more popular models and there's also a few other faves of mine in those bottom two pics. Have the link to the a video of the event, it's long at 107 minutes but is worth skimming through: CanCam event

 Just one new mag spread for today which is from the January issue of Nikkei Entertainment.

 On Thursday will be having a pair of posts for what were the sixteen most viewed posts for 2021. Just did the stats before this post and the days of Nogi members dominating lists is over though they did have a few that made the list. Mizuki didn't and thought her May 5th "BLT White Graph" post would have made the top sixteen for views. It didn't and missed by over two hundred views but Mizuki is still a very popular woman here. So if you missed that post have the link to it and after the pics is a Baitou CM that came out in November. Nogi has way too many videos on YT and it's kind of hard to find just one, this is a decent video that also has a few other members: BLT White Graph

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