Saturday, December 18, 2021

Yuumi Shida: Her hotter than hot 'Friday' digital photobook scans from 2019....


 There was a fifteen month gap between posts but now two in five weeks for Yuumi. That previous one was for her May 2021 photobook "ReStart" and what a collection of pics that was, highly recommend checking that post out which was done in November. When I talk about what my top books of the year were keep forgetting to include that one, it may be the third or fourth best book of the year. The title of that book I think refers to Yuumi restarting her career but sadly not much has happened since Yumemiru Adolescence disbanded in December 2019. That was one fun group, kind of popular though not at a superstar level but not not many group put on such fun concerts.

 Hasn't happened often this year but there's been so much to post about can't get to everything as soon as I would like. In Yuumi's last post said I would be having one with some 2021 mag spreads for this year's photobook, some pics from an event held for it and whatever else. But been so busy completely forgot about it but do promise to have another post within the month. On to these pics which is another of those older digital books that have been re-released this year, it's original release date was January 31, 2019 and this newer version came out last month. As mentioned that photobook from earlier this year was one stupendous set of pics and is hard to top. But Yuumi came close with this digital book and in a way these pics are almost as good. Have posted two other of her books which are worth checking out, this set contains eighty sizzling pics....
EDIT: Also have two more digital books from 2019 so you'll be seeing those soon.

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