Sunday, January 30, 2022

Nene Shida: Her mouthwatering.... 'Summer Girl' digital photobook from September 2021....


 Either take the first or last day of a month off, seeing as how it's been a slightly slow period as of late taking tomorrow off seems like a wise decision. Am writing this up a day early so hope there's at least one more post below this one but all in all January had many more posts than I expected. And leading the pack was Nene as this is her fourth post for this month and she also had one towards the end of December. She's my #1 newbie from the past two years and I really, really like the way she looks. Kind of thin for a gravure model but to me that's what makes Nene look so terrific as you can get a tad tired of looking at overly bodacious models but there seems to be more models in her vein the last few years.

 Of all of these digital books I've posted over the last four months, forty or so(?), would rank this as my second fave book. And at 116 pics it's also one of the largest digital books you'll see too. But looking through them some of the pics have were in Nene's Friday magazine spreads and they're the ones who published this book. But over eighty are brand new pics and are outtake ones from her photo shoots for the magazine, think it may be getting time for her first regular photobook. This book was released on September 30th of last year so it's kind of new though the pics were taken earlier in 2021. Besides these recent books it's been a bit of a slow stretch for Nene and have heard she's been attending college so wonder if she's getting ready to graduate? Even if that happens bet she'll continue with these gravure pics as those models seem to make more money than college graduates!

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