Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Nogiaka46: The cold shower inducing 'Hinako Kitano post' #21....


 Don't think you'll need to rush to your cold shower for all of the pics but definitely for the first and last ones! Always begin with a pair of pics at the top but that one above is just so sweltering it could almost be considered to be a pair! Have done almost 1,400 Nogi posts, some may have had only fifty pics but bet the majority have been had well over eighty and many over a hundred. So would think the average would be about 75 a post which means I've posted over a 100,000 thousand Nogi pics and there must be five times that many that haven't been posted. So many could be considered perfect but there's now one that tops them all and I truly mean that! The final pic in this post to me is the hottest Nogi pic to date of all 100+ K that have been posted and there's no adjective that has been created to describe it....

 Have said numerous times how to me Hinako has been Nogi's hottest member and in all honesty one of my hottest Idols of all time. If I ever do make that list of my top twenty hottest Idols ever could see her being right around the fifth position, with this new PB perhaps she can move up a few spots. Hinako just hasn't had as many gravure pics as other members but you don't need them to see how sweltering she is such as that pic right above. Hmmmm, mentioned a PB and what does that mean?

 On February 8th Hinako's second photobook will be released, news of that came out last month and it kind of scared me along with a few other fans. The last five Nogi photobooks have been for graduates so of course what would pop into our minds hearing that news?! Whew, to everyone's relief there's no graduation and it'll be the first non-grad Nogi photobook since November 2020. So far there's only been a handful of pics to promote it but know many more will be coming out soon. Another member has a book coming out on the 25th of this month so that's getting most of the attention and can see why. This is the first Hinako post since October and if we're lucky I'm really hoping there can be at least two more within the month.

 Have about sixty new pics but am going to hold back at least ten for her next post. Last year was the the first time Hinako had six solo posts and was eligible for the yearly fave's list, would like to see that happen again this year too. Back in April Hinako opened up her own Instagram page and at first was posting a lot of fabulous pics. The pics are still fabulous but she's really slowed down on posting many of them as these are the only ones from the past month or so.

 Those bottom three are from an 'All Night Nippon' radio show that aired two weeks ago, hopefully it's not the last time we see that trio together. That's Ayane on the left and with Hinako will be the back cover girls for the next issue of Bomb, some outtake pics from the photo shoot.

 Some sparkling 'Nogi Koi' cards which came out in September and October. Didn't have them in her last post as I was holding on to them and didn't think there would be this large gap between posts, bottom five are from November and the 'Nogi Fes' series.

 Hinako's first photobook came out at the end of December 2018, it was a decent seller at about 60,000+ copies sold. But it could have been higher as for some odd reason there was only mag spread to promote it which is this small set from WPB. So am really hoping there will be some upcoming spreads for the book or even regular spreads would be good too as her last one was in July.

 "Kuki no Iro" was the title of Hinako's first photobook and the photo shoot took place in Sweden, these sizzling pics from the book must have melted some snow there.....

 Hit the end of this post and there's really only been five advance pics for the book but did explain another Nogi book is getting more attention at the moment. As mentioned in the beginning the final pic to me is Nogi's most scorching and is already one of my top pics ever! Can't wait to see more of these pics as Hinako just may be in line to have Nogi's best ever photobook. That top pic led off the post but it's also so perfect it deserved an encore viewing, following this small batch is a short video from the photo shoot for the 'Nogi Fes' Christmas cards. Didn't include those pics in this post as it's part of the dozen I'm holding on to.

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