Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hinako Kitano: Her first regular post-Nogi post....


 Of course there was that post on June 1st for her second photobook which has drawn quite a few views though not as many as I was expecting. Could be because you had seen so many of the pics in her prior posts and still think too many superb promo pics come out for photobooks which may lower sales. Won't have any pics from that book for today and in all honesty I kind of prefer ones like those above a bit more. I've been a huge Hinako fan even before her first book came out at the end of 2018, will admit her gravure pics may top any other Nogi member save for one.

 So seeing as how that photobook post was done just two weeks ago was going to wait until July 1st for this post. But then realized Hinako's 26th birthday falls on July 17th so by doing this post now have a whole month to work on that next one. This is Hinako's tenth solo post since December 1st and and she's had about twenty of them in the last two years, wish this onslaught had begun a bit sooner. It's a wide open field for who this year's #1 fave will be but in my eyes think she will fall a bit short but still has an excellent chance at making the top five. And she'll also have a position on my second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list, she could be one of the most difficult to figure out where she'll end up on the list.... 8th? .... 14th.... 19th?.... who knows????

 Those are from her first photobook which I thought was slightly better than #2, noticed a few other fans share that opinion. Will admit when Hinako announced her graduation I was worried about whether she would still have a career in the entertainment industry, still am to a slight extent. But she has signed with a new agency and I hope they get her some modeling and magazine work. Hinako's first project will be her first non-Nogi stage play which is roughly titled 'Gin-chan is gone' and she'll be playing the heroine Konatsu in the play. It opens on July 8th so will have more info in her next post and hopefully there will be an event for it.

 Two posts ago had some Hinako monthly Nogi cards from March and said at the time they were probably her final ones. That wasn't to be as in May these ones for April were released and do have some others for the group's last single which will be in that next post too.

 One more batch of April cards that came out last month which are for the 'Nogi Fes' collection, this series has become my top group cards.

 Another confession is that I'm getting a bit tired of viewing graduation concerts, they've all been entertaining but why are there so many of them this last year?!?! Won't have too many screenshots from Hinako's graduation today but will have more in future posts. The date of it was on March 24th though she didn't leave Nogi until the end of April. The show took place at the PIA Arean MM in Yokohama which can hold up to 10,000 fans for these shows and looked like a packed house to me. What I liked about the show is that it concentrated more on songs than farewell speeches though there were enough of them. Hinako never did center a Senbatsu single but did so for two Undergirl songs. Have the setlist here and lot of old Nogi classics were done, if you're an old time fan like me then you may also agree their tunes from 2012-17 were so much better than the ones from the past four years.

 At about the twenty minute mark there was a short Q nd A taped session. Hinako is back to posting many pics on her Instagram page and these are all from the past five weeks, hard to top the first one but then again all rate as A++++!

 No new mag spreads for today which should have been expected, hope that new agency can get her into a few mags and/or with a modeling site. So let's go back exactly three years with this terrific set from the July 2019 issue of Entame.

 Final batch of new pics and hope to see more of this kind in the future. On May 29th Hinako was at the Spring/Summer 'Sapporo Collection' show and it was her first fashion show in over three years. She appeared on the TTU/JOVS stage and to me these pics are close to unbeatable! Wish there were more pics but after them is a video from the event which is a required watch for all fans!!!!

1 comment:

  1. idk if its just me, but I fine her 1st PB more hotter and better than the 2nd one.
