Thursday, July 21, 2022

Hinatazaka46: A little(semi-huge) bit of this and that for 2022 #16....


 Hmmmm, now she's a member who I really would love to see have a photobook!!!! Yesterday did an intro post for my second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list and the countdown will begin in a little over two weeks. Did mention a few things about the list such as who's returning from the first one that was done four years ago and why some wouldn't make it. But there were some items I forgot to talk about and one was Idols, this seemed like a good post for that!

Would bet a few other viewers agree with me that the term Idols doesn't mean what it once did say 20-30 years ago. Wish there was a different word I could use instead of Idols but guess we're stuck with it. For so long preferred actresses as they seemed to do many different kinds of activities and were more interesting. Can't say that these days as being an Idol means you have to be more talented than an actress. So many '46' members appear in dramas, films, magazine spreads, are at events and have photobooks along with doing quite a bit of modeling. Plus of course there's the group which releases singles, appears on music shows and have tours. Every list I've ever done has had more actresses and models make the top twenty than Idols such as the yearly fave's list. But not for this list as for the first time there will be more Idols and had wanted to explain why that happened.

 There's never been a '46' book with two members, may I mention a pair?! In less than a week Akari's first book will be coming out but there's been so little to post about her. Did promise to have a solo post for her this month and hope that can happen in the next ten days. In a bit of a shock Mei will have the next book that will be coming out in September. She's someone I enjoy doing solo posts for so will have one for her in a month as that's when she'll be celebrating her 24th birthday.

 Not as large of a post as they usually are and the main reason could be there will be no recap of a recent 'Aimasho' episode. Three have aired since the last recap, hate to say it but the episodes weren't nearly as good as prior ones and will ask again where is their next drama? It's July 21st and that means it's day one of this year's 'W-Keyaki Fes', Hina will perform on days one and three, Keya on the second and on day four both perform a concert together. But Keya may have another solo concert as a first generation member will be graduating on the 24th, those festival shows are really entertaining. So speaking of the festival have some cards from last year's which hadn't been posted. The pair are of course Konoka and Suzuka, do they deserve another 'Pairs Post'?.

 Have even more cards but these ones are new for the group's seventh single "Boku Nanka", two members here are Ayaka and Sarina.

 How about more Ayaka and these are from her IG page as most members post their pics there these days. She is just so darn attractive and how many remember her and Kyoko from the group's "Re:Mind" drama, that 'couple' were a highlight of the series.

More IG pics with the group's captain Kumi, she'll be turning 27 in exactly six months.

 After 3 1/2 years Hina finally released their first concert DVD yesterday, it's from their two March shows at the Tokyo Dome. There's three versions with one being five discs and the price of that is 110,000 yen or $80(!) but then again for fifteen hours of footage that's not too expensive.

 Was hoping there would be an event for it today but there wasn't because of the 'W-Keyaki Fes', Hina doesn't perform tomorrow so perhaps then. Just have promo cards with two members today for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, they're of Mana and Nao. But the bottom two pics are from their site and it appears there will be some special pics for the festival.

 Such a shortage of magazine spreads the last two months but will end off with a superb set from the August issue of Tarzan, Hina and Miku are the cover girls. Have posted a promo video for that DVD which came out yesterday but have a different one for it after the pics.

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