Sunday, August 28, 2022

"Fukushuu no Miboujin" drama: Episode two of eight recap


 Air Dates: July 8th until August 26, 2022 on TV-Tokyo, Fridays at 2:35 am
 Also aired on Paravi in March, title translates over to Widow of Revenge
Subs were done by Blitz Fansubs

Main Cast: Wrote most of this up after the first two episodes and know there will be a lot of updating with these bios as many will be going... to the hospital or their graves!!!! Most of the action will be taking place at the Planning and Development section of COD Techno Services, almost all of the main cast worked there.

Wakana Suzuki as Mitsu Susuki.... Her real name is Mitsuki but shortened it to disguise her identity. She was the wife of Yugo who worked at COD but he committed suicide a year ago. Mitsu knows there's much more to his death than calling it a suicide, was Yugo so stressed out he killed himself or was he 'helped'? Mitsu is now working as a temp contractor at COD to find out exactly how her husband died, she's out for revenge! Though a very attractive woman you don't want to get on her bad side as we quickly learned.

Yasushi Fuchikami as Yugo Suzuki.... Yugo's brother who is a detective. Like Mitsu he feels there's more to his brother's death than has been revealed, he's working undercover with her to find out the truth.

Yuta Hiraoka as Yugo Suzuki.... Of course we'll only see him in flashbacks for he died a year ago, at COD he was a team leader and had been an engineer. Seems Yugo was harassed endlessly by his manager Hashimoto and was that a main reason for his suicide? His death happened by jumping off the roof of the COD building.

Renn Kiriyama as Makoto Saito.... Very diligent worker at COD who looked up to Yugo but didn't know him well. He really respects the new contractor Mitsu who quickly became the ace of COD, wonder if we'll see him team up with her to discover the truth?

Haruna Uechi as Yuka Sekine.... Employee at COD and has been so stressed out she's ben going to the hospital for treatment.

Kenshin Endo as Yoshihito Sakai... Male worker at COD, was really abused by Hashimoto.

Yuki Morinaga as Kazuya Kotake.... Inept employee who spends most of his time playing online games instead of working. The only reason Kotake has a job is because his father owns a large shipping company who COD has an account with. His game playing has affected the office performance as he uses up so much bandwidth.

Sakurako Konishi as Tomomi Itahashi.... Another inept employee who pushes her work off onto others, her main passion is her cat Mocha.

Satoru Matsuo as Masaya Hashimoto.... We may only have seen him in the first episode. He was the arrogant manager of the Planning and Development department whom all despised and he ruthlessly would humiliate his employees. Hashimoto may have been a key reason for Yugo killing himself but Mitsu got her revenge in the first show!

 Added in two more characters and sure the list will expand even more but think most will only be in one or two episodes. If you're a drama fan it's hard not to know who Wakana is and she's on the older side as she turned 38 in February but to me she looks A-OK! Back in 2007 and 2009 she released a pair of gravure photobooks, have seen them and she does look mighty fine. Won't post those books but wouldn't mind doing some for Wakana but don't know if she does much else besides acting. If she models for some sites or has appeared at events or in magazines may do a post, she seems like a classy lady to me. If you read her bio you'll be amazed as Wakana has probably appeared in more dramas than anyone the past decade. But most have been support roles or guest appearances, that work has paid off as this is Wakana's first ever starring role.

 Sure you read that first recap so you know the main heroine(?) Mitsu is seeking revenge for her husband Yugo's suicide. Thought killing those involved was going to happen but that hasn't been the case with the first three 'victims', Mitsu's goals right now are to make their lives as miserable as possible. In the case of Hashimoto from the first show that was successful as he's in the hospital and will never be able to speak again! Those top two screenshots were a flashback from a year ago and it was right after Yugo's suicide, he had jumped from the roof of the COD company where he worked. In that first recap the police had returned Yugo's phone to Mitsu and there were taped conversations on it with his co-workers. I had thought he taped those conversations but it was actually Mitsu who put the phone into his bag. That was because Yugo had confessed he was struggling badly at work and Mitsu wanted to find out the truth on why.

 With her is Yugo's brother Youshi who is a detective and has vowed to work with Mitsu to get to the bottom of Yugo's death, if it was a true suicide what led him to do such a thing? You won't see all that many screenshots with Youshi but he is an important character, he does all of the 'dirty work' for Mitsu and being a detective means he knows every trick in the book! After listening to some of the conversations Mitsu realized how badly Yugo was used at the office, so many workers dumped their work off on him and he never refused, though an excellent worker he wasn't much of a team leader. Could all of that extra work and being used badly led to his suicide? In this episode Mitsu had targeted two inept employees who had been using Yugo and will discuss them separately. First off is the woman you see above who is Itabashi and what a useless worker she is though there's someone worse in her unit! From listening to the tape Mitsu could see how much work Itabashi shuffled off to her husband Yugo and while it didn't deserve the death penalty this woman needs to suffer. Her ways haven't changed in the year since Yugo's death as she still shuffles her work off on everyone and that's really drawn the ire of Saito in the fourth screenshot. In the fifth screenshot that's Itabashi on the right, she was at a mixer instead of preparing a project at work!

 Hashimoto had been the manager of the Planning and Development unit, with him out of the way it appears Saito has taken over that position though it's not official yet. Arriving back at her apartment after the mixer Itabashi had noticed a couple of trash bags with their contents piled in front of her door, it unnerved her but for now it was nothing major. That is until the following night where the love of her life Mocha was nowhere to be found, that love is her precious cat! How could the cat have escaped from the apartment while she was at work, that upset Itabashi so badly she called in sick and spent the day searching for Mocha to no avail. This time when she returned to her apartment in front of he door Itabashi found a package and who could it be from? To her horror when Itabashi opened it there was her cat's collar, below that was a bag which you can see in the second screenshot. The bag contained the insides of a cat(!) and naturally Itabashi thought they were of her precious Mocha. They weren't as Mitsu now has the cat but after that scene we didn't see Itabashi again in the episode, no loss if she doesn't return to the COD office.

 So as mentioned we may not see Mitsu's partner Youshi that often but he was the person who dumped the trash and left the package. On to the second person on Mitsu's 'Hit List' for this episode and that was a young male employee named Kotake, as bad of a worker as Itabashi was Kotake is in a league of his own1 And a league is what he does all day long at the office as Kotake is in a gaming league and that's drawn the ire of many of the other office workers. Especially because the game is a very high tech one which uses up so much bandwidth and the other employees can't do their work because of that. The only reason Kotake has a job at COD is because his father owns a large shipping company and has worked often with COD, why didn't his father hire his son on?! It's hard to explain how intelligent Mitsu is as she can seemingly do everything on a computer. She was able to hack into Kotake's computer interrupting his game, she came over to fix it for him and did she do anything to that computer? Playing those games do cost a lot of $$ and we often saw Kotake buying more time, weapons or whatever but it wasn't his money he was using, that's the above bottom screenshot.

 That screenshot was the bill showing how much money Kotake had spent playing games, he had been charging it to the COD company! Mitsu had sent that bill to all of the other employees and to say they were furious would be an understatement. When Kotake realized what they were looking at he panicked badly and stormed out of the office, hopefully not to return most probably thought. In the building's lobby he met a man who said his name was Yugo but actually the man above is Youshi. He asked if Kotake was the gamer he had heard about, if so would he want to play a game one on one? Kotake was a bit leery but accepted the challenge, he soon found himself in a large room that only had a desk and computer. Kotake laughed when he saw Youshi's set up but he had the last laugh when he told Kotake the computer had no internet and within a matter of seconds left the room locking in Kotake. There was no escape plus the room was blocked off from receiving/sending phone calls, what was the point of this 'punishment'? That for now is unknown along with the fate of Kotake and sure this predicament will have it's answer in the next episode.

 There will be another victim coming up in the third show who is the man in the second to last screenshot. His name is Wakatsuki and is a president at COD, really don't know much of anything about him at this point. Youshi had entered his house to install a listening device, he was pretending to be a repairman and had been let in by the man's wife Erina. She's pregnant but that doesn't seem to matter all that much to Wakatsuki who ignores her and what a loveless marriage it appears to be. Don't want to guess about them too much and their story will be in the next recap. Saito as mentioned is now the acting manager of Mitsu's department and he seems like a nice guy to date. But Mitsu, along with Youshi, began to wonder about this man and did he really not know Mitsu's husband Yugo too well as he claimed? Saito too was curious about Mitsu and was wondering how could she know about the office and workers so well after being at COD only such a short time, what he said above was the final thing that took place in this second episode. So that ends this recap and I'm really starting to enjoy this series, have a feeling every show will be slightly better than the previous one. Plenty of screenshots below to help you follow the story a bit better and will be back with the next pair of recaps in a few days as I'm going to zip through this series.

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