Monday, August 29, 2022

"Fukushuu no Miboujin" drama: Episode three of eight recap


 Air Dates: July 8th until August 26, 2022 on TV-Tokyo, Fridays at 2:35 am
 Also aired on Paravi in March, title translates over to Widow of Revenge
Subs were done by Blitz Fansubs

Main Cast: Wrote most of this up after the first two episodes and know there will be a lot of updating with these bios as many will be going... to the hospital or their graves!!!! Most of the action will be taking place at the Planning and Development section of COD Techno Services, almost all of the main cast worked there.

Wakana Suzuki as Mitsu Susuki.... Her real name is Mitsuki but shortened it to disguise her identity. She was the wife of Yugo who worked at COD but he committed suicide a year ago. Mitsu knows there's much more to his death than calling it a suicide, was Yugo so stressed out he killed himself or was he 'helped'? Mitsu is now working as a temp contractor at COD to find out exactly how her husband died, she's out for revenge! Though a very attractive woman you don't want to get on her bad side as we quickly learned.

Yasushi Fuchikami as Yugo Suzuki.... Yugo's brother who is a detective. Like Mitsu he feels there's more to his brother's death than has been revealed, he's working undercover with her to find out the truth.

Yuta Hiraoka as Yugo Suzuki.... Of course we'll only see him in flashbacks for he died a year ago, at COD he was a team leader and had been an engineer. Seems Yugo was harassed endlessly by his manager Hashimoto and was that a main reason for his suicide? His death happened by jumping off the roof of the COD building.

Renn Kiriyama as Makoto Saito.... Very diligent worker at COD who looked up to Yugo but didn't know him well. He really respects the new contractor Mitsu who quickly became the ace of COD, wonder if we'll see him team up with her to discover the truth?

Kenshin Endo as Yoshihito Sakai... Male worker at COD, was really abused by Hashimoto.

Yuki Morinaga as Kazuya Kotake.... Inept employee who spends most of his time playing online games instead of working. The only reason Kotake has a job is because his father owns a large shipping company who COD has an account with. His game playing has affected the office performance as he uses up so much bandwidth.

Sakurako Konishi as Tomomi Itahashi.... Another inept employee who pushes her work off onto others, her main passion is her cat Mocha.

Yasuyuki Maekawa as Isamu Wakatsuki.... The president of the COD company and a former star soccer player. A very intelligent man whose post sports career hadn't gone as well as it should have. That is until he met his wife Erina who is the daughter of the man who found COD and thus Wakatsuki became the president. Has had many affairs and his wife is pregnant.

Rika Adachi as Saeki Maho: The secretary to the president and the pair did have an affair. Saeki is currently dating a congressman's son who is kind of a sleazy man. She was jealous of Mitsu and wanted to bring her down, needless to say that didn't happen!

Satoru Matsuo as Masaya Hashimoto.... We only saw him in the first episode but his name will be mentioned often. He was the arrogant manager of the Planning and Development department whom all despised and he ruthlessly would humiliate his employees. Hashimoto may have been a key reason for Yugo killing himself but Mitsu got her revenge in the first show!

Previous recaps:

 Added in yet two more characters and sure the list will keep expanding even more but think most will only be in one or two episodes. This is been a superb drama through four episodes but can't say it's been my top show of the year, could be though if the ending is suspenseful. So am kind of shocked how quickly I'm zooming through this series as in two days have watched four episodes. That's not the surprising part but writing up four recaps certainly is! Will refer back to prior incidents and characters though it would definitely help to read the previous recaps, especially the first one. If all goes well will have this completed by the end of the week and for today have two more recaps.

 Hope you read the previous two recaps as it makes this and the others so much easier to understand. If you read the last one you know that the inept young employee Kotake was trapped in an unescapable room thanks to Youshi who is working with Mitsu to find out answers about the death/suicide of Yugo. Hard to believe but Kotake's name was never brought up in this episode and why not?! So am curious what's happened with him and would think we'll be hearing about that soon. That top screenshot is of Saito who Mitsu trusts and is the new unofficial manager of the Planning and Development unit. That screenshot is how the last episode ended as Saito is a bit suspicious on how Mitsu knows so much about the company and employees as she's been there just a short time. Of course it was because her deceased husband Yugo had worked at COD and Saito even asked Mitsu if she was a spy for a rival company?! She laughed that off and so didn't Saito but both are slightly suspicious of each other.

 Mitsu has been compiling this 'Hit List' of workers at COD who may have had a hand in driving Yugo to his suicide if that was the true cause of his death. She's been getting the info and names from that recorder she had stuck in his work bag plus having conversations with his ex coworkers. So far three of those names have been 'attacked' but not brutally save for Hashinoto. As far as we know Kotake is still in that hidden room and the woman Itabashi had her cat returned, her 'punishment' didn't seem severe enough but perhaps that's just the beginning? Two more names on that list were revealed by Mitsu to her partner Yuoshi with the main one being then man above. His name is Wakatsuki and he's the president of COD. At one time he was a pro soccer star and is a smart man but things didn't work out well for him after retiring from soccer. As time went on he met a woman named Erina who was the daughter of COD's founder, they got married and eventually Wakatsuki became president. He has done a solid job in running the company but is not a good person, for instance he's had many affairs and one was with his current secretary. In that last show Youshi had managed to plant a listening device in Wakatsuki's house so they had a plan of operation all set to go, first step was with Mitsu 'accidentally' bumping into him while he was on his morning jog.

 Don't understand why but that second paragraph is always the longest of a recap, can't stop making them that length. Mitsu looked familiar to Wakatsuki and she did admit she worked at COD as a contractor and had admired Wakatsuki for ages. The pair soon went for coffee and Mitsu had done her homework on this man talking about his soccer days and he quickly fell for her. Plus as you can see Wakatsuki even asked Mitsu to be his new personal secretary which she refused as she prefers doing computer programming. His secretary Saeki is in the bottom screenshot, will discuss her soon. You knew it would happen and it did which is that Mitsu ended up in a hotel room with Wakatsuki and he's a veteran at these one day affairs. But while he was taking a nap after their bonding Mitsu sent a message on his phone and we had no idea what it was until the end which is a brutal one. This plan went so perfectly and most of it had been scripted by Youshi.

 After all that it was still only 2:00 pm so while Wakatsuki said he would be going home soon Mitsu returned to the COD office. There she met Saeki who as mentioned is right above, their first meeting didn't go so well as Saeki the previous day had given Mitsu a project she said was ordered to be done within the day by the president! That was all a lie and Wakatsuki did straighten the matter out. Saeki was more than miffed at that and her silent aim is to bring Mitsu down as she's become the COD ace in no time. Saeki though knew practically nothing about the woman so invited Mitsu out to dinner with her boyfriend who happens to be the son of a congressman. No idea if he'll soon also become a 'victim' but this man named Atsushi is quite a slimeball. We don't see too much of him but the man wearing the hat above is Mitsu's partner Youshi, he's also the brother of her dead husband. He does all of the dirty work such as kidnapping that cat, putting drugs in bottled tea and set up the listening device in Walatuki's house. Above what he was doing was pretending to be a janitor at COD, he had passed by Saeki's desk and switched a bottle which we'll soon find out about.

 That dinner with Mitsu was a bit uneventful at first for Saeki as there was no way she could ever get someone like Mitsu to give details about her life. To me the best part was when Mitsu threw in such a nice jab and said Wakatsuki had asked him to be his new secretary!!!! Saeki hid her feelings well and went to the women's room to vent her fury. While there she took put a bottle from her purse which happened to be the one Youshi switched at her desk. The small bottle contained eyedrops, don't know what chemical he put in the bottle but soon Saeki was writhing with pain on the floor, good as she deserved it! She'll be okay but will have to miss work for at least a week, hoping these acts of revenge from Mitsu will become a bit more severe. Third screenshot down is of Itabashi who had been with Saito. She flubbed a project so badly and he went with her to apologize to the the company. That was a success and as they were coming home Itabashi did confess that she's a bit inept and often shuffles her work off on others.

 That's what she did to Mitsu's husband Yugo and as she says in that screenshot are the workers who used Yugo on some sort of 'Hit List'? The screenshot didn't show that line but she had hinted around at that. The final scene took place back at Wakatsuki's house and was it to be his last night living? We learned what Mitsu had sent over his phone which were those credit card bills above, Wakatsuki had once again lied about having an affair saying he had worked hard all day! We knew better and his wife Erina finally had enough of his playing around. While he was lounging on the sofa she grabbed a pair of sharp shears, to his and our amazement kept stabbing Wakatsuki in the groin which was quite brutal. Even if he survives looks like it's be the end of Wakatsuki's affairs and good for the wife. Don't know what the outcome of that was which hopefully will be revealed in the next show. Thanks to Youshi's listening device Mitsu heard every little thing that happened and she too was stunned at what Erina did. Final thing was what Youshi says above, it's about him finding out some dirt about Saito and could be be next on the list? Don't think quite yet as he has been helpful to Mitsu but we'll soon see as the recap for the fourth episode is the next post, wrote this up before viewing it.

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