Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Erina Mano: Her searing "Kageroh" photobook scans


 Here's a massive fave of everyone here, perhaps the most popular woman I've ever posted about and sadly this could be her final post ever. When the first 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list was done in 2018 Erina finished in the seventh position and may have deserved to be a spot or two higher. But as many fans know she got married in July 2018, since then she often shuffles between Japan and Spain where her husband plays soccer. Really wanted to have Erina on this current fave's list just couldn't do it. She's really done close to zero since the beginning of 2019, few guest appearances on dramas and variety shows but that's been it. So had she been just a little busy would have squeezed her on the list, as it turned out would have had her in the 21st position. So if this is Erina's final post least she's gong out in style as this is one terrific book but of course you all knew that!!!!

 Erina has ten regular photobooks, this is the ninth I've posted. Won't have her first one which came out in February 2009 as she was just seventeen at the time. But also have all of Erina's H!P Digital books and highly recommend viewing those posts. This book was her eighth one which was released on November 25, 2018 and there were two more after that. Erina's final photobook came out in March 2018 and to me it's her top one, it's also my second favorite photobook of all time! Let's get to these pics which total 107, the photo shoot took place in the LA area. There was also an 18 minute DVD of the photo shoot which I've viewed at least a hundred times and the video is after the pics, have run out of superlatives for Erina...