Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Marie Iitoyo: Sigh, just because I miss posting about her so much.... again!!!!


 Bit of an 'off year' for Marie and the #1 reason could be because of me(!), her standards over the years have become the highest of anyone. Perhaps an 'off year' but 98% of the women here wish they could have the same problem! This is Marie's 13th post of the year, that's a high total and she's tied with someone else for seventh place for most 2022 posts. However those thirteen posts really pale to what she's done the last three years, working backwards she's had 25, 26 and seventeen posts so you can why I have much higher standards for her than anyone else. This is also only her fourth post since the beginning of June, we'll cut her some slack as that was one busy pace she was on for three years.

 There's not going to be a three-peat for Marie this year as she was my #1 fave for 2020 and 2021. Those lists contained twenty faves but this year am dropping it to sixteen, for the last two months was wondering will she even make this year's list! Of course Marie has to though it won't be a top ten spot, besides those two number ones she's also finished fourth and eighth the previous two years. There just hasn't been as much variety of things for this year, the above two pics are from an Uniqlo post that was done in April and it was her top one of the year. Seems her posts were beginning to look the same, you could say that about today's but least I was able to do this for her....

 As I've been saying a lot lately every photobook has to have photos of them brushing their teeth! Neve did finish recapping Marie's 'Octo' drama though I did finish it about ten days ago. Recapped it up until the sixth episode, mid August, and then there was a three week gap for the seventh episode's subs. Then another three week gap for the last three shows and if I wrote the final four shows up it would have been two months after the previous recaps so just skipped them. It was a decent drama and I thought one problem was that she appeared in too many of them this year. Think the total was six and that meant not as much time for other activities.

 So while there's not many different activities for today there are 55 new pics and why hold on to them? The last six months Marie has only appeared in two different magazines and also has only done modeling work for those pair. One of them is More and have some superb pics from their site that have come out the past month.

 Marie did finish in the fourth position on the 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list though for so long thought she would finish in second. In that post for finishing fourth somehow didn't include this spread from the September issue of More.

 Marie has been an Oggi model since August 2018, the last six months she's only had mag spreads and modeling pics for them and the above magazine. This set is from their October issue.

 Her modeling pics at the Oggi site are second to none, these are all from September and will have October pics in her next post.

 Final happening for today is from an event that took place on October 24th. Marie appeared on the red carpet at the 35th 'Tokyo International Film Festival' and she looked oki doki in my eyes. At the festival her anime film "Tunnel to Summer, Goodbye Exit" will be screened and it had it's official release on September 9th, Marie voices the lead female role of Anzu in the movie. Not enough pics from the event but after have s short video from it.

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