Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Miku Tanaka: Her blistering second intro post!


 Miku's first intro post was just done three days ago but it's already garnered a high amount of views. Does take a few posts for someone to become a 'star' around here but I think in the end run she'll become one of the most popular Idols ever here! So if you're a Miku fan you'll be loving the next month as she may have at least six or more posts coming up! Have so many magazine spreads for this year and most are quite large, she could win the award for being the Idol appearing in the most mags this year.

 So even though I've just recently begun to post about Miku she just may end up making this year's faves list! I've had my eye on her for quite a long time so she's not a newbie to me, was just waiting for her to get a bit older which she slightly is as she's now 21 in age. These intro posts at first will just be concentrating on Miku's many mag spreads for this year. As time goes on will be adding in some HKT videos and any event pics for 2022 if there are any. Don't think I'll be having anything prior to this year but there is an outside shot at having her first photobook that came out a year ago.

 HKT has always been a so-so popular J-Pop group and think the main reason they're not bigger is they don't release enough music, just one single a year since 2018. But they've had some very popular members and right now Miku is #1 in that category for members. That first book sold well so hope it's not a long wait for her second one. Miku has increased the amount of IG pics she posts the last few months but she didn't have all that many earlier this year, these are from May and June.

 Here's a few HKT cards from earlier this year, will have many more coming up and four are for the group's second album that came out at the end of 2021.

 Will be having three or four Miku magazine spreads in these posts, at times only three for her spreads are often so massive. Will try to stay in the order they were released, Miku is usually the cover girl for the mag she appears in and today's first set is from the March 15th issue of Flash.

 Second dazzling spread is from the April 5th edition of Manga Action.

 Third up is this sweltering spread from the March 24th issue of Weekly Shonen Champion, as mentioned Miku is usually the cover girl.

 Last up is this set from the May 3rd issue of SPA! and it was the only time she didn't grace the cover. As mentioned in Miku's first post there hasn't been any videos for these tremendous spreads which is kind of baffling and why not?! After the pics have a short promo video for Flash and that spread may be in her next post.

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