Saturday, October 8, 2022

Nanase Nishino: For those scant few who recall who she is....


 Sure some of you have a sharp memory and can remember her but it's certainly not like the old days! Just Nanase's second post in four months, that's happened before but all in all 2022 will go down as her least busiest year since joining Nogi eleven years ago.... now I'm feeling a bit old! Nanase did finish in the 16th position on the 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list but it should have been so much higher. This semi slow stretch didn't just begin this year, I would go back before that and say around July of 2021. There's been a few busy weeks but things aren't like they once were and never will be, just not for her but so many of my long time faves. Will say that of all the women I post about Nanase has been the busiest of them all over the last decade so she does deserve to take it easy for a change. This is post #420, no one is ever gong to come within a country mile of that total!

 Nanase's last post was about two months ago for finishing 16th on the list, can't remember if that was a large post or not but don't think so. Well, it may have been large but there probably wasn't all that many new pics. Not too many recent activities for today either but do have quite a few new pics and Nanase is looking superb as usual though wish she would slightly 'vamp it up' on occasion. First off are these new modeling pics for Tods which is a handbag company.

 Exactly one year ago the "Kotodamasou" drama began, Nanase had the lead role in the show and to me it's been her top one to date. I really enjoyed that series and though I never rank dramas would say that was my second fave one for 2021. "Shylock no Kdomotachi" is the title of her new series that begins tomorrow, it's a short one at five episodes. If appears to be an edgy drama which are the kind I enjoy the most, if it gets subbed will recap the show. Pics here are from a Model Press interview to promote the drama and here's the link to it: Model Press site

 Mini mag spread for the drama from the November issue of TV Navi.

 One more mag spread and Nanase is the cover girl for the November issue of More, think it's the first time she's ever appeared in the magazine. The spread is just seven pages, the rest of the pics are from the site and are 'clean versions' of the spread's pics.

 Highly doubt if she'll have another post this month so will have these ghoulish pics a bit early which are of course for Halloween, bet she'd make for a nice treat....

 Last up for this post are these pics which are from a October 3rd event to promote the new drama. No video from the event so after the pics have a newish Nanase CM for AU Pay, it has quite a long behind the scenes segment.

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