Monday, October 10, 2022

Rena Moriya: Her scrumdiliumcious eighth post!


 Without a doubt my she's my biggest and most pleasant surprise of the year! Who would have ever thought that Rena would have had eight posts this year, at this time in 2021 I knew who she was but knew barely anything about her. At first she wasn't popular at all with you viewers but that's certainly changed. Think there's been about forty solo member's posts for the year, Rena's last two are the fourth and fifth most popular ones which definitely surprises me but then again they are terrific posts. These pics at the top are from her first photobook that was released on August 23rd. To date it's sold a bit over 45,000 copies and think the expectations were it would have sold much more. Don't know why that was for she's not quite a superstar yet, sure it'll pass 50,000 soon and to me there's nothing wring with selling that amount of books.

 Every year there's naturally a few newbies who make their first appearance on the yearly faves list. Think the total for newbies this year will be five and that may be a record. Some of them have become immensely popular here and of course I like them quite a bit too. But out of those five the fave who will rank the highest will be Rena but not sure where her position will be. In my eyes she's almost too attractive to put into words and as you can tell I can't do enough posts for her! Six solo posts are needed to be eligible for the list and think only 25 will make the cut this year. However the top ten may be the strongest ever and if Rena can make the top ten that would be quite an achievement.

 Once November rolls around tend not to do that many posts for the faves that will be on the list. Hopefully she'll be busy so there can be a post next month but this may be her final one until her position on the list comes up. Which means there may not be a post for Rena around Halloween and was planning on posting some of her older pics from that day.... but that's impossible as the grand total turned out to be zero!!!! Oh well, nothing I can do about that so let's begin off with some new pics from Keya's 'Diary' blog. The bottom one is from October 8th as Keya did a mini concert at the Autumn 'Girls Award' show, she's on the left and isn't Rena so much shorter than everyone else!

 Four new promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game which is celebrating it's third anniversary.

 It's been two months since there were any new Keya cards. So let's go back in time for these which ad never been posted, they're from early 2021 and late 2020.

 Here's a way too mini new mag spread from the November issue if Baila. Rena really looks grown up and wish it was much larger, bottom two are from the photo shoot.

 Don't think Rena is a model for any site or clothing line.... why not?!?! Seeing as how that above spread was too small let's go back in time for this super duper set from the August 2020 edition of BLT Graph.

 Though Rena isn't a model for anyone she still has been appearing at those large fashion shows and was at Saturday's Autumn 'Girls Award' show that was held in Chiba. There were 288 models who took a stroll in the catwalk so obviously those were all on the short side. Rena took her stroll on the 'Dressterior' stage and looked so mighty oki-doki to me! You can see in the bottom pic how she's next to her ex-Nogi mate and think only one is shorter than she is! No solo video from the show but after the pics have a short one that features the other Keya members who were also there.

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