Saturday, October 8, 2022

Yuka Kohinata: A quartet of mouth watering magazine spreads plus more....


 At one time J-Pop Idols were far and away the most popular women I posted about with you viewers. That's changed over the last year or so, in December when I figure out which women were the most popular for 2022 wouldn't doubt if the top three are gravure models. But one model who has never caught the eye of many is Yuka and this is now her eighth post. Her first one drew quite a high amount of views, since then her posts may be the least popular of any model! Have no clue why as I think Yuka looks so fabulous but have a feeling she may soon be getting more fans here. Do have her first regular photobook that was released on September 2nd but will wait just a bit longer before posting it. Was thinking on November 1st and guarantee it'll come close to inducing a few heart attacks!!!!

 Yuka's last post was done on August 26th which also happened to be her 25th birthday. In that post had a few spreads that promoted the photobook plus she had appeared at an event. Like so many recent new gravure models Yuka didn't begin that career until she was a bit older, in her case a few months after she turned 23. Let's get to new things and first off are some IG pics from the past month.

 Yuka is also a model for the Ray magazine, she seldom has spreads but the amount of pics at their site has been increasing. The models for the magazine always dress conservatively and that was the case for her too, however things seem to be changing as you can see from these brand new pics.

 Now on to those four newish spreads and am holding a pair back for another possible Yuka post this month. This set is way too small and is from the September issue of Entame.

 Slightly older set that's from the July 6th issue of SPA!.

 Third up for magazine spreads is this set from the August 13th edition of Weekly Gendai.

 Final spread for today is from the September 1st issue of Secret, Yuka is also the cover girl for their latest edition and will have that in her next post. Few of the pics are outtake ones from the photobook while the bottom two are from the photo shoot. No decent new videos so after the pics will have another one from the event she held for her first book.

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