Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Yuki Yoda: Who is more deserving of a post.... again?!!!!


 Have used that title at least once before as it's so on the money! This is Yuki's first regular post in two months, her previous ten(!) were for her 'Ryosangata Riko' drama which I really enjoyed and am hoping for a second season. If you include her other four drama posts from earlier this year that means Yuki now has 24 posts for the year, to my surprise this is her tenth regular post for 2022. Don't count drama recaps for someone's yearly posts but if I did she has more than any fave this year!

 This Saturday Yuki will be at the Autumn 'Girls Award' show and was planning on doing this a day or two after that. But have around seventy new pics so thought why not hold about ten back and have a second October post in a few weeks? That sounded like a wise idea to me and bet most of her fans will agree with that! However have noticed Yuki's posts don't draw nearly as many views as they did the previous two years. Sure the biggest reason for that is that there's been no new gravure pics, admit I would like to see some too and will we ever see a third photobook? So while no new gravure pics to me her regular ones in a way are almost as good....

 For a while thought Yuki would be in contention to be this year's #1 on the fave's list. That's not going to happen but she should have a high position, last year she was 16th and my early prediction is that she'll be in the sixth or seventh position. Will make another prediction which is that if a third 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list is done four years from now she'll easily make it and could see her making the top five! Will begin off with some recent IG pics but she's really slowed down in them.

 Haven't been doing many posts for her mate lately but she will have one on probably Sunday.

 Just one new mag spread for today which is from the October issue of Maquia. Top three are new pics from their site and think she will be the cover girl of a mag coming out next week.

 So that being the only new spread let's go back in time for an encore viewing. This is one of my top Yuki spreads and perhaps my #1 which is from the September 2020 issue of Bomb. In June of that year she cut her hair for the first time in five years, this was her first spread after getting her locks chopped.

 Some recent modeling pics from the Bis site. Few of these were in their September issue but won't have that spread as most pics were with another Nogi member.

 Of course another Nogi gal in a spread isn't a bad thing but don't post about any of them after the third generation. Speaking of members yesterday Yuki was with two others at a JA event, JA is the the Japanese Association of Agriculture Cooperatives. The event was to promote local farming and a new CM the group has for the association, Nogi has worked for them about two years. Perhaps not alluring pics but there's that certain something about Yuki as a farmgirl....

 The Hina/Keya promo pics for the 'Unis on Air game are tough to top. However the 'Nogi Fes' series of cards is coming close to them as these pics are fabulous and will end off with mot of Yuki's since July. There are a few videos for the above event but instead of one of them will have a video from Bis after the pics as it's quite a terrific video which is newish and hope it wasn't in Yuki's last post. 

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