Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Marupi: Her spellbinding third intro post....


 In the post done yesterday was talking about how I'm trying to finish off most of the things still left over from 2022 so they don't become too dated. So the goal is to get most everything done by the end of the month, especially things for the newbies introduced in the last two months. And that's mainly because of Marupi as she's been the cover girl for two recent magazines and didn't want to wait a month to post them. When someone new is introduced try to go in chronological order for their older things which means it may have taken a month to get to those new mag spreads and other activities. Didn't want that to happen so will have at one more post for Marupi this week to wrap up things for 2022, wouldn't doubt if it'll be two more posts but to me there's nothing wrong with that!

 Marupi didn't begin her gravure career until last February and she's come such a long way in less than a year. She graduated from college last March and as I've said so often why do graduates turn to gravure modeling when they leave school? Let's get to things and this first set are some recent pics from Marupi's IG page and all of these are from December.

 Marupi's first ever gravure spread was for Young Magazine last February, that was two months before she graduated from college. At the magazine's web site they have this feature called 'YM Next Web' where they feature new models who they think are going to be popular. Those features are small which usually have ten pics from a photo shoot section, here are the two for Marupi which came out in the first week of February 2022 so they would be her first ever gravure photos.

 Marupi will have the co-lead in a web drama beginning soon though no start date has been announced yet. The rest of the post will be for 2022 magazine spreads and to me they're among the best of the year! This first set is a mini one from the June 6th issue of Young Jump and that bottom pic is just out of this world!

 Going to stop with this spread as there aren't as many as I thought for 2022 but will have another Marupi post coming up this weekend. However there were still fifty new pics for this post, final set has her as the cover girl for the September 19th issue of Young Magazine. After the pics is a video of the photo shoot and highly recommend it for any fans.

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