Saturday, May 27, 2023

Manatsu Akimoto: Her "Furikaereba, Nogizaka" graduation photobook


 Writing this up on Thursday and not sure about my upcoming posting schedule so posting this now in case I'm not around. It is a holiday weekend so will be taking Monday off, two days after is the final day of May and always take the last day of a month off. So if you don't hear from me on Tuesday it means I'm also taking a mini vacation and I hope things finally up in the meantime. Haven't I mentioned in almost every post for an Idol photobook that it features at least one pic of them brushing their teeth?!!!! That's the case in the top pic and is it supposed to make them appear more wholesome?

 Manatsu was Nogi's second captain, she held that position from August 2019 until her February graduation. Not a knock on her but what are the responsibilities of a captain? Not just for Nogi but other groups such as Hina, Keya, AKB, NMB, etc.? Nogi is in another scandal and it's one of their bigger ones as it's been going on for many years. So why wasn't Manatsu involved in what was taking place while she was the group captain? Was it a case of the members not confiding in her but then again Manatsu was around to witness all of the harassment so she didn't say anything?. Or perhaps Manatsu did report the incidents to management who swept it under the rug which I'm sure has happened many times. So really the only way to go was public with the sordid tales which is what happened, still hoping nothing negative happens to Seira who I'm growing to like quite a bit. 

 This is Mantsu's third photobook, four other members also had the many. It's a solid set of pics but will admit to liking her second book much more which had so many sweltering pics. But graduation books are a bit tamer and if you look at it that way this is one superb photobook. Manatsu featured members from the other four generations and you'll see them in the pics, Ayane was the only one left from the second generation. The third generation member Minami is in some pics and she took over being the captain of Nogi. There's a trio from the fourth generation and I don't know any of the 5G members. There's a total of 149 pics and had thought about leaving some of the text pages out but they are interesting as Manatsu was giving her thoughts on all of the members so a few may want to read it. This photobook was released on February 21st which was five days before her graduation concert.

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