Saturday, June 17, 2023

Hono Tamura: Her highly anticipated and overdue eighth post....


 Whew, that top photo is something else and think I would rank that my #2 fave pic of 2021! Have looked at it so often may have to charge Hono some money.... it's so hot my cold water bill has gone sky high! Wanted to have a Keya group post this weekend but it's not going to pan out but should have one in the next few days. There's a lot going on with the group as their next single comes out in eleven days, they have a new group web game that just began, they'll be taking their first overseas trip to do a concert plus a few other things. But for now there aren't all that many pics for those activities or from the members but that should be changing over the next few days.

 Know there were so many sizzling pics in her photobook but the one in pink right above may be second favorite one of Hono. Speaking of photobooks did a list yesterday with the top twenty most viewed posts over the last 3 1/2 years or since January 2020. Hono's photobook has 6,857 views which put it in the 19th position, that's impressive but think that post does deserve more views. That book was released 22 months ago and it seems we haven't heard as much from Hono since then which seems kind of odd. There aren't nearly as many magazine spreads or modeling pics as she once had which is why this is only her eighth post and not twice that amount. Hono is still a busy woman and guess too many of her activities don't translate well over to posts. She's the oldest second generation member and in October will be hitting the age of 25.

 Ten days after that 25th birthday her mate will be turning 24, doesn't it seem she should be older than Hono?!!!! The top two pics and the bottom one are quite ancient as they're from 2019.

 Hono doesn't have an IG page and still posts her pics at the Keya blog. Won't have any of them for today as the group, save for the above member and one other, really post such drab pics. Have about sixty new pics for today, this first batch isn't new but is in a way as they had never been posted before which are her first set of Keya cards that came out in the Spring of 2019.

 Hono was at the May 4th Spring 'Girls Award' show but for some reason she had far fewer pics than any other Keya member. This is it and a few are from an interview she gave after the show.

 On the first of a month at the Keya site the members have a monthly message and photo, this set goes backwards from this June until May 2022 and in July the members will have a new uniform.

 Their sister groups have games called 'Hina Koi' and 'Nogi Koi', they're both dating simulation games. Keya has finally got into the act as this week they released their new game 'Saku Koi' and below are two pics from it, will have many more for the members in their next group post. There is a short promo video for it which is after the pics and also there is the link to the game's site, when you're a player you're known as a Buddy which is what Keya calls their fans.


 The other game Keya is involved with along with Hina is 'Uni's on Air' and that's been around for three years. Have Hono's promo pics for the game from the past five months, they go from June backwards to February and each month has four pics, my faves are the ones for May.

 Hono doesn't appear in enough magazines these days but when she does she's often the cover girl. She has that honor for todays final batch of pics which are from the June 28th issue of Weekly Shonen and the bottom four are from the photo shoot. Will skip having a video as there's been no decent recent ones but there is that one above for Keya's new game.

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