Thursday, July 13, 2023

Minami Umezawa: Another in the '𝘏𝘒𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘰𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘯 𝘒𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘡?' series....


 There's been many more of these kinds of posts lately which as mentioned before is both good and bad. Good because it means a huge fave of mine can finally have a post after such a long stretch without any, bad of course being it seemed liked eons between posts and very often it was longer than that! This is Minami's first post since January 7th and did that for her 24th birthday which she celebrated the day before. It's not a case of forgetting about her as I've ben trying since March to do a post and it finally happened but why has there been these huge gaps in posts for my massive faves this year?

 I would call Minami a massive fave of mine as she has finished in the top ten twice on the yearly faves list. She also has my all time #1 photobook and to me could be Nogi's sexiest member ever!!!! But about a year ago the posts for her really slowed down, this is just five in a little over a year though her 32nd overall solo one. Wonder if the attention began to focus much more on the 4th and 5th generation members and soon they may be the only gals left! Back in February Minami was appointed to be Nogis third captain which is a very positive thing as it means she'll be with the group at least another 2-3 years but it's only a positive if she starts becoming very busy again.

 Minami has been busy but nearly to the extent she once was. She was in a stage play this Spring titled "Kingdom" which was her first in five years though hasn't done any other acting for a while. She did have a weekly segment on "The Time" show since October 2021 but left that at the end of March plus today have her first magazine spread in almost six months so am at a loss on why there's been such a decrease in activities. Will begin off with some photos from Minami's IG page, her pics are so often terrific but wish she would post more of them.

 This being her first post in over six months never did get a chance to post these Valentine's pics.

 Nogi still has three card series but they don't release as many cards nor as often as they once did. This batch is from their best series called 'Nogi Fes' and these have come out the last four months.

 Minami has been a model with the With magazine site since the Summer of 2019, in May 2022 they ceased having print editions but always had many modeling pics at their site. However she hasn't had any new ones since April which is this batch and is she still with them?

 Minami's good mate from Keya though has more pics than ever at the With site, shame the duo didn't have more photos together as I would have loved to do a 'Pairs Post' for them.

 On March 4th Minami was at the Spring 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show which is where this set of pics is from. That's how long I've been trying to have a post for her and was so baffled(still am) where she disappeared to. The next TGC show will be on September 2nd and odds are high she'll be there so keep your fingers crossed that's when her next post can be done.... but don't hold your breath!

 We've hit the end, quite a few photos for today but in a way not really considering it's been six months since her last post. From 2018 to mid 2022 not many Nogi members appeared in as many magazines as Minami did plus she was often the cover girl and why not as she's truly one striking woman! For the finale have this new set from the August issue of Entame, third time Minami's been their cover girl yet it's her first solo spread since January! After the pics is a video from three years ago which has been posted a few times before. But it's one of my all time videos even though it's not a gravure one and you'll know why if you view it.... gulp.....



  1. As a Misa fan, I admit Minami is really the hottest Nogi member ever.

  2. That's a name you don't hear often these days. I would put Misa in my top five for hottest members and also her photobook would be in my Nogi top five.
