Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Nene Shida: How I've missed doing posts for her.... again(!).... sob sob....


 In all honesty it hasn't been that long as her last post was done on June 8th but seven weeks seems like an eternity to me! Nene has been busy and will reveal what she had been up to which is some terrific news! The 'Nao Year' is now eight months old and this marks her eleventh post which for most women would be an incredible feat. But not for Nene who had 26 posts last year and that tied the all time record. So she's going at a pace for seventeen posts which is decent but nine posts is quite a drop though then again she may have a shot for twenty.

 For the last seven years my all time hottest/sexiest/most alluring woman of all time has bene Miyuki Watanabe and knew one day someone would eventually top her, seven years is a long time to be number one!!!! It did happen as Nene has now claimed that title and perhaps not many may agree with me but she is so close to being perfect! 😍 So close we need new adjectives to describe her and I truly can't think of anyone I currently post about who could top her in the future. In 2022 Nene was number two on the fave's list and came oh so close to being #1. At this point would have her in the third position but she does have an outside chance of taking the top spot as I think she will be having a very busy stretch coming up. Would love to see her in the mix as it would mean three are battling to be my #1 fave of the year and it's usually a battle between just two.

 Hmmmm, hope she's refering to me!!!! That's from the "Kamen Rider Geats" series which I think has four more shows to go. Nene plays the character of Sara who is the older sister of Kamen Rider Tycoon, her role was just medium sized. But in the 34th episode she became Kamen Rider Hakubi and her role really increased for the next four episodes. However she and her Rider mate Neon were tricked by Kamen Rider Buffa in episode 37 and both lost the ability to be a Rider. In the 39th show Neon was able to become a Rider again but so far not Sara which I hope happens. These are from episodes 37-39 and may have more screenshots in the future or at least some from the final two shows, it has been a decent series and a bit different than most Kamen Rider shows. 

 Nene is expanding her activities which is a positive, she still has a weekly segment on the 'Mezamashi TV' news show. In October she will be in a stage play titled "Kageki Shojo!", still over two months to go before it begins. It's based upon a popular manga, she'll be playing the character of Sarasa.

 Nene often posts ultra superb photos at her IG page however this is it since June 8th but there is a very good reason why she has been somewhat quiet. 

 The bottom two pics are from July 15th and on that date she celebrated her 25th birthday. In a very huge surprise but a very pleasant one it was announced last week that Nene will be releasing her second photobook on September 10th!!!! To me that's the best news of the year and is the major reason I expect her to be very busy over the next two months. No title for the photobook yet and we still have six weeks to go until its released but there a few early and scorching pics for the book.

 Couple months back had a post for a Nene Friday digital book. A few weeks ago they uploaded more photos for the book and have those sweltering pics here, as mentioned we need more adjectives for her.... whewwww.....

 Will end off with one of the top spreads of the year that's from the August 7th issue of WPB. Think there are more promo pics for the photobook and also think it's promoting a new digital book, hope so as she hasn't had one since that above book. After the pics check out a short video of the photo shoot and it's also promoting a DVD, to date that's one thing Nene has never had.

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