Thursday, August 10, 2023

Miku Tanaka: A trio of dazzling magazine spreads and more goodies!!!!


 Coming in thought there had been such a slowdown with Miku posts this year. That's far from the case as this makes a dozen since December 1st and only a handful can top that figure.... or her figure! The only negative thing has been the decrease in the amount of views her posts have been getting and why would that be as her posts are consistently superb. HKT's sixteenth single came out six months ago and was finally hoping they would break that long streak of only having one single for a year though haven't heard any news about #17.

In 2022 Miku finished in the ninth position on the yearly faves list which was impressive as I had only started posting about her two months prior but had know about her for years. Think she'll move up a couple of spots but breaking into the top five could be difficult as a group such as HKT doesn't do nearly as many activities as groups such as Hina or Keya. Last year Miku also won an esteemed award for being the Idol who appeared on the most magazine covers. Have noticed a slip this year with them but she may repeat as the Queen as I can't think of any other Idol who has had more covers in 2023.

 If you're a Miku fan this is a post you will savor as there's over ninety photos and outside of her photobook this may be her largest post ever. Let's begin off with some recent pics from the HKT Ameba blog and have been slacking as her mate in the top pics is way overdue for a post. They're from the set of the "Saiko no Kyoshi" drama which is Miku's first ever series.

 Think Miku's next post will be right after September 12th which is when she celebrates her 22nd birthday. She's one of the few women who was introduced that was younger then 22 in age but am so glad I began to post about her. Second batch of pics are these HKT cards from May.

 Not enough pics but here's something we rarely see which is of Miku at an event. It took place on August 7th and was the TGC 'Idol Runway Collection' show that was held at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium Stadium in Tokyo. It was the first time this event was ever held and while no members modeled Keya's new third generation members performed at the show.

 Did a post back in early June with this terrific Miku spread from a special Flash issue called 'Best of Summer 2023'. Am going to have it again as there were three pics that had been left out.

 Now on to a pair of newer spreads and no one has larger ones than Miku. First off is this set from BLT Graph that's oddly dated for late July.

 Final set of pics is this spread from the August 3rd issue of Weekly Shonen Champion. If you noticed she was the cover girl for all of the mags so perhaps she will win the 'Magazine Cover' award for the second consecutive year. No new videos so am gong to have an encore viewing of one that was in her last post, its the only semi-gravure video for Miku to date and that's after the pics.

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