Thursday, August 3, 2023

Yuzuha Saeki: The most sizzling post of the year?


 Well, probably not but a close second to her first intro post done in February. This marks Yuzuha's sixth post for 2023 so she's now qualified for the yearly faves list. In about two weeks will do some sort of post do see where the list currently stands, was getting worried for a while there may not be enough who are eligible but think it will all work out well. As of now would say that Yuzuha is my #1 newbie of the year and if she can continue at a steady pace with these scorching posts she has an excellent chance at finishing in the fifth position on the list. What's needed is for Yuzuha to gain new fans here! Her first post featuring a Friday digital book drew quite a few views, since that her posts have drawn a so-so amount of views at best and that does baffle me.

 While not a lot of different activities there are close to sixty new pics and as the heading says they truly are sizzling! Let's start off with some new pics from Yuzuha's IG page and there will be more further on in the post, top ones are from a photo shoot and we need to see more regular modeling pics.

 Have a pair of new magazine spreads with this first one perhaps being Yuzuha's largest to date and is from volume ten of Strike! or really their tenth issue of the year.

 That above set featured some outtake pics from a new Strike! digital that will be coming out soon. At Yuzuha's IG page she also posted these sweltering pics from the photo shoot.

 We've hit the end, as mentioned many new pics though only a few activities. For the finale Yuzuha is the cover girl for the newest issue of Young Animal which is dated for August 11th and four of the pics are from the photo shoot. After the pics is a must watch video of the photo shoot and I highly recommend checking out all of her gravure videos on YT, no one has had better ones this past year!

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