Saturday, October 28, 2023

Miku Tanaka: A pair of sizzling new magazine spreads though....


 .... not much else. Just did a post ten days ago for Miku so obviously there aren't that many new things but the two spreads add up to be thirty pics so why hold on to them? Did think about waiting until tomorrow for this post for as of now have zero for another one but doing this now will make me work harder at having a post. This is Miku's sixteenth post for 2023 and only two others top that. Last year on the faves list she was in the ninth position and that's solid as I hadn't been posting about her for too long. She will move up a few spots this year but not in the top five, wish she had more things in these posts besides mag spreads. One positive thing working in Miku's favor is how consistently her posts have been, only once in the last year as she gone more than five weeks without a post so an early prediction for this year is that she'll either be sixth or seventh on the faves list.

 In that last post gave the news about Miku's impending graduation from HKT. Usually I hate when a huge fave of mine leaves their group but in this case think it's a wise decision and perhaps we'll be seeing even more of her as being in the group may have held her back. So on December 29th Miku will be holding her final show at the HKT Theater but the final concert won't be taking place until the Spring and why would there be such a gap? Was hoping that Miku would be the center of HKT's next single which is why her graduation concert was so far in the future but two days ago the group announced the details of single #17 and she won't be on it so her HKT activities are just about done.

 As mentioned this will be a smallish post for in her last one posted many pics for Halloween plus there are no newish HKT cards. But Miku is so popular here hate to hold on to her things for too long and know she has a few more mag spreads coming out next month. First off are these pics from her IG page, this has been it for the last ten days and doesn't she look much older in the first set?

 Now we're already to the mag spreads, did say it was a smallish post. So to make it a tad larger will have an encore viewing of this spread from the October edition of EX-Taishu, had this in a September post. In 2022 Miku won a special award for being the J-Pop Idol who appeared on the most magazine covers. Five times a Nogi member had won the award which is a somewhat major one and would think she'll win it for 2023 too.

 Don't know how many covers Miku has to date for 2023 but I haven't noticed anyone that comes within a country mile of her!!!! She has that honor for these last two spreads which are both brand new, this set is from the October 24th issue of Young Champion.

 Last up is this huge spread from the November 6th issue of Big Comic Spirits. Usually they have a behind the scenes video for their cover girl but there wasn't one for her so will skip having any. Miku has only one semi-gravure video from her photo shoots and what I'm hoping is that she will have them once she leaves HKT, wonder if there is a group rule about that? What I also hope for is that Miku will begin to have some digital books and how about a regular book for her graduation? Some of these pics are from the photo shoot and how about the final one, wowowowowowow!!!!

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