Saturday, October 7, 2023

Usa Hiiragi: Few more irresistible recent happenings....


 Don't think any of Usa's posts have made that section on the right hand side for 'Most viewed posts of the last month'. However she is popular here and by far she's the fave BababaBambi member with you viewers though I'd place her third on my list. This is Usa's ninth post of the year and who would have thought she'd have more than so many long time faves? Still not sure what I will be doing with the group when it comes time to do the yearly faves list. What I'm really leaning on doing is counting the five members as one and place them into a position, perhaps #8? Did that one time with Nogi and still have seven weeks to mull over that decision.

 Up until May there were so many posts for the BababaBambi members but they've slowed down quite a bit. But have done about 35 of them since last November and will say no J-Pop group has had better mag spreads and digital photobooks than the five members though it was seven up until May. The group has been very busy as their first major single came out last month plus rarely does a week go by without them doing a concert, they'll be having a birthday one in exactly a week. Below are some recent group pics and those new uniforms look mighty sparkling to me plus there's a few solo pics and some flyers for upcoming shows. A goal which I should be able to accomplish is to have a group post this month and thinking perhaps a special one for Halloween.

 Usa's last post was done exactly two weeks ago so you wouldn't think there would be a huge amount of new things. There are to an extent, when you add in the above group pics there's probably 45-50 new ones for today though only these seven from her IG page.

 Don't know how many have checked out any videos that have been included in these posts but they are worth checking out. The BababaBambi members are really likable young woman though not too young as two gals are 26 in age and do recommend viewing any of their YT videos. In those two bottom pics above Usa is holding her first ever regular photobook that came out on October 4th and it appears to be one super duper book. Today she was at her first ever event to promote the book which has the title of "Usa Usa". The photo shoot took place in Taiwan back in July, pics here are from today's event.

 The Young Jump magazine published the photobook and there were a few mag spreads to promote it. This set is an encore viewing from their October 5th issue that was in Usa's last post.

 More pics from the photobook as Usa is the cover girl for Young Jump's October 19th issue. A year ago she and the other BababaBambi members also had digital books for the magazine. After the pics is a video from the photo shoot for Usa's first ever photobook.

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