Sunday, March 10, 2024

Kisumi Amau: Another sizzling post of this and that's....


 When I take a day off, such as tomorrow, always have at least two posts to carry you through. Don't think that will be happening today and actually am a bit worried about what to do on Tuesday! There's always a slow few days here and there but if you notice every month is close to the same as far as the amount of posts go. **** Was successful with both, there is a second post for today and wrote one up for Tuesday! This is Kisumi's sixth post for the 'Nao Year' so she's qualified for the yearly faves list. Post #7 may not be too far in the future as Kisumi has a pair of upcoming magazine spreads and a digital book plus one other nice surprise which I'll reveal later on.

 This will be a 'quickie' post as I'm trying to get it done ASAP to work on something for Tuesday, truly need a bit extra time. First off are a huge amount of photos from Kisumi's IG page, there's my heartthrob Mio 😍 in the top pic and you'll be seeing more of her further on down. There's also a few pics of her #2i2 J-Pop group, they do perform at many shows and in mid-April will begin a tour.

 Kisumi does love to cosplay, granted these days she doesn't have aa much time to do that but many mag spreads and her IG pics have that theme. Here's some pics of her fave activity that hadn't been posted, the bottom three are over four years old.

 Kisumi will be hitting the age of 28 in August, she's been non-stop busy with her gravure modeling the last year or so and is it because in a few years she may be too old to remain a model? Sure hope not as she looks better than ever, lot of viewers think so as Kisumi has become quite popular here. Have a trio of sweltering new magazine spreads, she's the cover girl for all of them and this first set is from the February 9th issue of Young Animal.

 Second up is this set from the March 11th issue of WPB. This is the 'surprise' I mentioned as in April Kisumi will be releasing her second regular photobook and that should mean many mag spreads to promote it, this set does feature some outtake pics.

 Last up is this huge set from a special Strike! edition that was released on February 7th. This could be a tough spread to top this year as Kisumi is joined by her Familia agency mate Mio and don't they look so super duper together?! After the pics is a short video promoting the above spread, also for a special 52 minute DVD which I have and of course needed to dash for a cold shower after viewing it...

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