Thursday, March 21, 2024

Nagi Nemoto: Her sizzling 'Nagi Machi' digital book volume three...


 Nagi still has many fans out there as that post for the first two volumes of these Friday books has been extremely popular. So held off a few days doing this post, all three books came out in the same day which was March 8th. This book was by far the largest of the three and it featured outtake pics from the first two. Not much more I can add in about Nagi and did want to have a regular post for her too though that wasn't possible or at least for now. A week ago she hit the age of 25 but besides these books not much else has been going on with her, she is a very popular YouTuber these days.

 Nagi is still continuing her singing career as she has released two mini albums. She was in a pair of J-Pop groups, Dempagumi.Inc and Nji no Conquistador but is no longer with either. Both groups were quite good with a nice upbeat rockish style, I enjoyed their music but will admit haven't paid attention to them since she left. On to the final new digital book that was released by the Friday magazine, this set contains 83 photos and Nagi is another short woman who packs so much onto a tiny frame. Did say she has a YT channel, after the pics is a video she uploaded from her last mini album which is titled "Due Stelle", name of the song is "It's Already Love" which I thought was quite good.

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