Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Rika Izumi: Once again hope she wasn't forgotten about....


 Three months since the last Rika post and a gap like that has only happened once before. Which was last year and guess you could say most of it is my fault as there could have been a post last month but for her dwindling fan base vow to have another within a month. It wouldn't happen until next year and the occasion would be for Rika hitting the 100 post mark. That semi-milestone hasn't happened too often the past five years but another should hit that mark and perhaps by the end of this year, one other actress also isn't too far away from the century mark.

 At one time Rika was quite popular here and there are two solid reasons why she isn't as much these days but I like her more than ever. Age definitely is one of those reasons as se is 35 years old and is the oldest woman I post often about. The other is lack of gravure photos as we haven't seen any in close to four years and there is a good chance we never will see any more which is a shame as her figure still blows away women a decade younger! Rika is currently in the second season of the "Shojiki Fudosan" drama, it has one more episode to go. If decent subs are ever done will be recapping some of the shows, if they're good would end up doing the entire series. She's appeared in quite a few dramas since 2021, this is her eleventh in just a little over three years.

 Not a lot of variety for this post but it had been a while since that last one and do have around sixty new pics. First off are these recent ones from Rika's IG page and how about those second to sixth photos! The first one is of her holding the Top Cover magazine award for the fashion category, not nearly as many spreads in 2023 compared to other years but she's often the cover girl. 

 In a rarity don't have all that many new modeling pics but with Spring coming around sure there will be quite a few very soon. So here's a small batch of some real ancient modeling pics from the Ray magazine, these go all the way back to 2013/14!!!!

 Her looks have changed and that would be expected for a ten year stretch. One thing you can always depend on are Rika modeling pics from the Oggi site, these are from December and January but not as many as usual.

 Also have her spread from Oggi's February issue, do have Rika's March spread and February modeling pics which I'm saving for her next post.

 The magazine Rika has appeared the most in over the last year or so is Bijin Hyakka and that's a good thing as her spreads for them are always terrific. Have two of their spreads for today with the first being from their January edition.

 Will end off with her February Bijin Hyakka set, am holding back Rika's March spread which is quite large and like this one she's the cover girl. So do have a pair of spreads for that next post so you may be seeing that much sooner than later. No videos from either spread so have an oldie from three years ago which was superb but how I wish Rika had done one gravure video and especially for that perfect first photobook.

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