Sunday, May 19, 2024

Miyu Murashima: Another new scintillating new 'Big Comic Superior' digital book though....


 .... very little else. So this may end being the most simplest post of the year but didn't want to go another day without any and if there had to be one why not with the most popular woman here? That was the honor for Miyu back in 2022 and last year she was so close to being #1 again though I think an ex-Nogi member at the moment may be the biggest fave with you viewers. There has been a slight slowdown for Miyu's posts this year though she still is one of the most busiest of gravure models. She'll be starring in a stage play that opens in three weeks so she has been doing a lot of rehearsing for it and even though this is a small post the pics are of course overly dazzling!

 The only other thing for today is this newish magazine spread that's promoting the digital book and is from the May 6th issue of Big Comic Spirits. Miyu is the cover girl and her last post also was of a book from the magazine and they usually don't publish too many of these books.

 On to the book which was released by BCS on April 22nd, had been holding on to this hoping for other new things but didn't pay off. This isn't a large book as there's only 35 photos but naturally Miyu looks too sweltering to describe, there is a video of the photo shoot and that's after the pics.

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