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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Erina Masuda: Her searing "Magnetic G" photobook scans!!!!


 It's okay if you haven't heard of her as this is the debut post for her! Did introduce someone new two weeks who has only been so-so popular, that could be because she hasn't had her second post yet and will be working on that. It's hard to say who will be popular or not here, hoping Erina will be and have enough things for another 2-3 posts. Once again she's another newbie who is older as she hit the age of 29 on April 12th. Of the five new women who have been introduced this year two are 28 in age and a pair of others are 29. It's rare when I can find somewhat older women who have never had posts though Erina and one other I have known about for a while.

 Erina is mainly an actress but does her fair share of gravure photo shoots. Will have more bio info in future posts but for now Erina hails from Miyaki and when she graduated from high school did work as an OL for over a year. But then won a talent contest and appeared in a few magazines and then added acting to her resume'. Erina's height is 165 cm, glad to see a taller women as so many of my recent posts have been for ones shorter than 154 cm.

 Whew, if Erina ever wanted to become a full time gravure model bet her popularity would soar sky high!!!! This digital book was her second one ever and was released on November 4, 2017 when she was 22 in age, it's the second of three "Magnetic G" books. She had quite a few books up until 2019 then none for four years but did have a pair in 2023. On to the book which contains 62 photos, I think Erina looks more than oki-doki and hope you viewers think so too! There was no video for this book so after have one from her YT Vlog that was from a Bubka photo shoot and do recommend viewing it.

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