Friday, June 28, 2024

Mio Minato: Her dazzling second.... 'Young King Bull' digital book


 Here's someone I have missed posting about so, so much and you may wonder why as it is her fifth post of the year. But this is Mio's first since March and hadn't had a chance to discuss her recently but she will have anr upcoming post featuring another digital book. Two weeks after BababaBambi headlined a March 14th concert at Budokan Mio said she was going on hiatus for a while, that was a message she had at the group site. She did say management had known of it for many months but she wanted to wait until after that concert. Health issues are the reasons Mio gave but I thought.... hmmmm, kind of (not) funny how that hiatus began three weeks before a trio new members joined the group.

 Since that announcement there's been zero heard from her and I check up on her almost every day. If you've read Mio's past posts you would know how she is such a massive fave of mine, had she more posts over the last 2-3 years she would be in the running to be my #1 woman 😍 and I've been smitten with her since 2019! Three weeks ago Mio did hit the age of 27 but her being too old is not an issue as two other group members will soon be hitting that age. Haven't done a group post for BababaBambi for a while but expect one within two weeks and it has been a semi-quiet period for them. Hope to have some news about Mio for her next post and after working so hard for over 3 1/2 years can't see her leaving the group as they have become somewhat popular.

 Mio seems to have many fans here, she's no superstar but her posts draw a high amount of views. The title says 'second book' and one did come out in January but it was a mini book with 35 photos, this one is much larger. Had the mini book in a Mio January post, will have an encore viewing of this spread from the February issue of Young King Bull that was promoting the book.

 Have run out of superlatives for Mio 😍 who I am so crazy about and am praying she returns soon to the group. On to the second Young King Bull book that was released on January 4th but I just got it recently, all of the photos are different than the other book. There is a short video after the pics to promote the book but wish it was much longer. I do have two older Mio DVD's, one is 52 minutes long and the other is 85(!), needless to say those have been viewed so often they will need to be replaced soon....

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