Monday, June 3, 2024

Yumeno Shirato: Her soon to be legendary first intro post!!!!


 Hard to explain why or perhaps it isn't but that second pic above truly leaves me gasping for air, whew!  Usually make the first few intro posts for someone a bit smaller than other posts and that's to spread then out a bit which is what I'll be doing with this fabulous newbie. Have known about Yumeno for a little over a year but never thought I'd get the chance to do posts for her and how I was dying to so as she is one sweltering woman though not in the way others such as gravure models are. So think I can do a trio of these intro posts and maybe even four as her first ever digital gravure book just came out. Perhaps not right off the bat but have a feeling she will soon be a huge fave of you viewers.

 Two groups of women who I've enjoyed doing posts for are announcers and voice actresses. But for so long that was so difficult to do but things are picking up as they've had five posts in the past month. Yumeno is an announcer, mainly sports for KSB and she is a huge Baseball fan. For the second time this year a newbie is 28 in age, the other announcer introduced this year is too. Yumeno will be turning 29 in September but like so many others I post about she looks so much better than she did five years ago. Keio University was the college she graduated from which happened in 2018, her height is 158 cm though looks taller to me and hails from Setagaya, Tokyo. The ancient "Akai Meiro" drama which I recently recapped was set there and more bio info in future posts.

 Did say that this and the next few intro posts will be on the smaller side, Yumeno is a busy woman and besides her dazzling looks her being busy is another reason I decided to begin these posts for her. There are some brand new things from the past few months but for the first two posts will mainly be having older pics but by the time we get to her third or fourth posts everything should be recent. Will begin off with these 2023 photos from Yumeno's IG page and she posts so many of them, to me all are a bit classy yet also very alluring such as that first pic....

 So many announcers these days do such a wide variety of activities such as modeling, Yumeno is no exception and these modeling pics are from 2023 and Nolleys, many more are coming up. The only thing I haven't seen her do is attend events, think just one to date but haven't checked too hard.

 There are some announcers who also do a lot of gravure modeling, so doesn't Yumeno but she didn't start doing that until a year ago and it's not stretching the truth to say not that many can top her!!!! Will end off this mini post with a pair of older magazine spreads, this was Yumeno's first ever one nd is from the August 17, 2021 issue of Flash.

 Second spread for today and also the final thing is this set from the June 16, 2022 issue of Young Jump. Not quite a gravure spread for Yumeno and wait until you see her most recent spreads, wow! After the pics is a video from the photo shoot, as terrific as Yumeno looks in this spread she looks so much better in the video and recommend viewing it.

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