Saturday, July 20, 2024

Erina Masuda: Her second torrid yet too mini intro post....


 Hopefully can squeeze one more post in later on, after my brief illness there have been posts for eleven consecutive days but wish there could be more than one. This one isn't too big but at least all of those other posts have been huge plus I think among the best of the year. Did have a batch of digital books to post a month ago but am all done with those and they do seem to be released at once. But do have a trio of regular photobooks coming up with the first probably on August 1st, that will be such an immensely popular post as it's for an ex-Nogi member.

 About five weeks ago did Erina's first ever post and could have done this a few weeks ago, However that first post was so popular as for over two weeks it had been in that section for most viewed posts of the past month and I had wanted it to run it's course. This is a mini post as there aren't too many things for Erina but can do another post for her next month. Hopefully I'm right with my thought which was thinking she's someone who I would be able to have many posts for in the future even though she hit the age of 29 on April 12th. These past 17 months has seen such an increase in Erina gravure spreads so I'm hoping they can continue on for a while. Did mention that Erina is now 29 in age and is mainly an actress. She has appeared in many things since 2016 but not all that much the past year and perhaps it's because she's concentrating more on her gravure career(?)but she's been doing that too for a while.

 Erina hasn't been posting too many photos at her IG page recently but in a way that's okay. Because three of the mag spreads for today are from 2022/23 so why not have pics from those photo shoots?

 Erina's first post had a digital book from 2018 and she had a few of them that year and also for 2019. But after that she didn't have any until last year so will work on having those newish ones. Am holding back two recent magazine spreads for her next post and those are promoting a new book. Here's a real, real oldie but goldie to begin off a run of four mag spreads that's from the October 9, 2017 issue of Young Magazine and it was just her second ever spread.

 Erina was 22 in age for that above spread, after that she didn't appear in any until very late 2022 but did notice that was her busiest stretch as an actress. For today's second spread is her only one from 2022 and the December 27th edition of SPA!.

 Did say I was holding back two recent mag spreads, will also save one for her next post and have two more for today. Both are bigger than the above two sets and glad Erina is concentrating more on her gravure career as she looks so darn terrific. Plus I think some other viewers may be like me and prefer the slightly older women, this set is from the February 6, 2023 issue of WPB.

 Will end off with this set from the May 15, 2023 issue of Young King and think it may be Erina's only cover to date. There were no videos for any of these spreads so instead of having one after the pics have the link to her YT Vlog so you can choose which video to view. There's only two gravure videos but she does seem to be having a lot of fun in most of them: Erina's YT Vlog

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