Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rena Takeda: Her overly tantalizing.... Happy 27th Birthday post!


 That second pic is from the "Million Yen Women" drama that aired back in 2017 and I thought that was one very underrated show. So after going a year without a post for Rena this now makes it two in five weeks, before that there had only been three posts in 2021/22. But Rena still has many fans here as that June post did draw many views and didn't realize how much I had missed her until doing that post. She had about seventy posts from 2016 to 2020 and not many women topped that figure. So thought she would be a shoo-in to hit the semi-milestone of a hundred posts but doubt if it'll ever happen.

 These days seems 95% of Rena's activities are from appearing in dramas and she's been in quite a few of them. To me she's a decent actress and have seen her in seven dramas and a movie but none since 2021, she's like too many actresses I post about and doesn't appear in that many shows these days which appeal to me. So while it's been nice having two posts for Rena in five weeks don't hold your breath waiting for more as who knows when that could happen? Which is a shame as I really like Rena 😍 immensely, if she didn't retire from gravure modeling four years ago she would have easily made my 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. But don't take that the wrong way as it's more than just her hottish gravure pics which attracted me and hopefully you viewers to her....

 This will be a semi-large post, there will be a huge amount of photos though not many different activities from the past month or year. Birthday #27 takes place today and don't have many pics of the occasion from prior years, some below are from when her first PB came out on her birthday. A major reason for not having many older birthday pics is that Rena has a popular fan club and those kinds of pics are only found there. On August 12th she will be holding a b-day party with the club members, the top pic is for that and she did have a cruise for them in June.

 July 27th also happens to be the date when my all time #1 woman celebrates her birthday. Was thinking of having her post for the occasion on the last day of the month.... gulp, that is if I can recover from the birthday bash....

 Rena used to post many photos are her IG page but not so many these days as she shares those pics at her fan club site. Did say it appeared her site was popular and have always wondered how many other women's sites you could say the same about? This batch of IG pics is from last year and thought why not have them as they had never been posted.

 On May 3rd Rena attended the Spring/Summer 'Girls Award' show and did look superb but this is it as far as photos go from the event.

 However have many pics from the 2023 'Girls Award' show that was held on May 8th, she appears at a fair amount of events but not nearly as many as she did five years ago.

 From 2016 until the Autumn of 2020 not many models and/or actresses appeared in as many magazines as Rena did and she was often the cover girl. Those appearances slowed way down once she 'retired' from doing gravure photo shoots, hard to say if she made the right decision or not? Will admit I really miss those kinds of mag spreads and digital books but seems after five years so many women tend to get tired of doing that kind of work and cease. There has been a slight uptick in mag spreads this year as there's been five of them, had two in Rena's last post and will have the other trop for today. Weekly Ascii is a tech mag but often have an actress for their cover girl and I think their pics are so terrific. A woman always has the cover for two consecutive issues and Rena had that honor for their March 19th and 26th editions, both are below.

 Before we get to the other recent mag spread how about a visit to the past and an encore viewing of this fabulous set from the December 4, 2019 issue of Weekly Shonen. Thought a few fans would want to see one of her classic older spreads and perhaps newish fans have never seen this one or her many others.

 Will end off the mag spreads with this newish set from the April 19th issue of Friday, like the three above she did grace the cover. Of course there are no gravure photos and that's okay as Rena does look superb to me and how many thousands of sweltering gravure photos did she leave us with????

 Final thing for this post, though it's her birthday will give you viewers a present and have some ultra boiling photos of her! We all know that Rena is a bit too thin but that's one reason she became so popular and personally have always thought she looked so super duper!!!! Of course there's no recent videos that are as alluring as the below pics so after them have Rena's fourth most viewed YT video which is six years old and for the Young Jump magazine.

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