Thursday, July 11, 2024

Saeko Kondo: Her sizzling new WPB digital book plus more!


 All of the BababaBambi members seem to be popular here, that is save for Saeko. That's okay as I like her quite a bit and there are many exquisite new photos for today so perhaps she can obtain a few new fans! This is also a belated Happy Birthday post as on July 1st Saeko hit the age 27 and she certainly doesn't look that old. One other member of BababaBambi is also that age while another will be hitting that mark in October and hope it doesn't mean any of the trio will be leaving soon. As a group they have been semi quiet the last four months, they've done some shows here and there but so far no new music this year.

 Am still under the weather so for the next few days will be trying to have some large yet simple posts. Meaning posts with mot many sections yet quite a few new pics, there must be about eighty for this post. Let's begin off with some pics from the group site, Saeko may post more than any other member and she does love to cosplay, I really like the way she looks doing that.

 The bottom two above were from a June 28th show and a mini early 27th birthday celebration. There's only two women who I post about who are shorter than Saeko who is 149 cm in height, in al odd twist the shortest is also in the same group. Have one new Saeko magazine spread for today that's promoting the new book and is from the July 15th issue of WPB.

 There was one other thing that I was going to have for this post but didn't remember it until now. That's okay as it means I do have the seeds of another Saeko post and will end off with her new WPB digital book. This fabulous set was released on her July 1st birthday and in a pleasant shock there is a video from this book's photo shoot. Saeko had only had one prior gravure video and does she look so spectacular in this new one which is after the pics.

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