Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Jurina Matsui: Her soon to be legendary.... exotic and very extreme 'Blast from the Past' post!!!!


 Have had many of these 'Blast from the Past' posts but three of the very extreme ones have been for SKE members. They were one of my top J-Pop groups and while I may be in the minority think their singles up until 2020 were better than any other '46/48' group. They did have quite a few posts up until June of 2019 and then it seemed everything just came to a halt after that as far as activities went. I cannot explain what happened but since then there have been so few magazine spreads, photobooks, events, cards, etc. for the members and what happened? I have no clue and when things did cease my #1 member was easily Jurina yet can you believe this is her first post in five years?! Did miss doing posts for her but after a while kind of forgot about her but in the last year have been hoping for her to make a comeback and she has to a very slight extent. There should be two more upcoming posts and I really hope they don't stop there and do wonder if she has any fans left here? Oooops, almost forgot to add in how time flies as in seven months she'll be hitting the age of 28!

 That first pic right above is truly sweltering but that second one may be her best ever, shew!!!! So did say as of 2019 Jurina was my number one SKE member and in all honesty she was on track to be my #1 woman of all time! That's no exaggeration as I really thought the world of her and she is such an underrated beauty or least to me very few top her looks. But in mid-2019 things went way downhill for Jurina as she went on a long hiatus from the group and then just a few months after her return announced her graduation from SKE. So from mid-2019 which was five years ago she didn't have  a regular magazine spread until now and did so few activities. Bet she was a bit burnt out from being an Idol for over a decade and she never had much of a chance to be put of the limelight until leaving SKE, hate to say it but had wondered if near the end she didn't begin to have a swelled head? Jurina left SKE in April 2021 and since then hasn't done much of anything and spends most of her time in Nagoya which is her hometown and the base of SKE. Every now and again she does pop up at an event in the city plus had had a regular radio show for over a year but hasn't done much else. 

 So above was a brief summary of what's been taking place the last five years and it wasn't much. But do plan on having two more posts very soon and will have more of what had been going on and hope to have news of upcoming activities. Will say what those two posts will be further down and let's begin off with some recent photos from her IG page. Jurina doesn't post all that many of them as she has a fan site and that's where most of her newer pics can be found. Don't know all of the details but on August 24th will be performing at an Idol festival so maybe her next post will be a day or two after that.

 How about some older SKE cards and after 2019 these really slowed down and there were none for her graduation. These are all from 2019, the first six superb cards were in her last post but the other eleven are brand new for here and there were very few after these.

 Wouldn't mind seeing Jurina take up acting again as to me she's a decent actress. She had the starring role in the 2016 drama "Death Cash" which was an eerie mystery, I really enjoyed that and highly recommend it. "Cabasuka Gakuen" from 2016/17 was the last AKB drama I've seen and there have ben very few since. That too was a decent show and in a change of pace was set in a hostess club, Jurina also had the lead role in this drama playing the role of the club's most popular hostess Kurage and didn't she look so alluring?!?!

 Shame there weren't more pics of this dynamic duo together as what an unbeatable pair and they would be more so these days. After having more posts than anyone last year and the second most for 2024 up until May where has Akari disappeared to(?), she hasn't though there's been so little to post about her in the last three months so that could hurt chances immensely of repeating as my #1 fave of the year...

 Not many Idols appeared in as many magazines as Jurina did from 2015-19 and then they just fizzled out, only two since then! This is one of them and had never had it here as this is her first post in five years, this small set is from the March/April 2021 edition of Entame and was for her SKE graduation.... a few years ago many mags only published an issue every other month.

 This mag spread here was actually her last regular one until recently and is from the May 27, 2019 issue of Big Comic Spirits. Least the spread was one of Jurina's best ever but after this set went AWOL for five years as far as spreads go which is another mystery.

 Jurina does have one regular photobook which came out in 2015 and did do two posts for it. However I am going to delete the two posts and have three reasons for that. One is that I broke it down into two posts and don't know why I did that often back then so would like to have them all in one post. The second reason is that I got another version of the book and the photos are better so think fans would want those. Lastly is that I bet almost all have forgotten about that photobook so let me post it again to garner more fans and will have it by the end of the month.

 Jurina does have a new digital book and it's her first one ever so that will be the other upcoming post and some promo pics for it.

 Will end off this large post with her first regular magazine spread in over five years, it's also promoting the new digital book and is from the August 12th issue of WPB. After the pics is a short video from the photo shoot and in my eyes not many can top Jurina's seductiveness....

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