Monday, August 12, 2024

Mariya Nagao: Another quintet of sizzling magazine spreads....


 .... though not much else. Which is common for Mariya's posts these days but she has gotten a bit busier the last few months as she did have a post in June and think there could be one next month. Mariya isn't nearly as popular as she was from 2018-21 but still has quite a few fans here as her posts still draw more views than most others. She's become a rarity as back in March she hit the age of thirty and you don't see all that many gravure models who have hit that age but to me and sure a few others Mariya does look better than ever.

 Just one other tidbit for today as there are no recent event or modeling pics plus she rarely posts at her IG page. The top photo below is of a new J-Pop group called Capu ✰ Churu who will be making their debut on September 19th, Mariya is their manager and formed the group. To me she's always seemed to be intelligent which is not a word used with most ex-Idols and another graduated member of NMB is also trying to start a new group. Last week Mariya also opened her own fan club and what took her so long, here's the link to a mini Model Press article to promote it: Model Press site

 Do have five sizzling magazine spreads for today but only three are recent. Was thinking that so many viewers have never seen her older spreads which of course are terrific and that's probably the case for so many others I post about. So will have a pair of spreads from 2016 for today so they're over eight years old and you can compare how Mariya compares from back then to today. Of course she does look different but still oki doki in my book, this first set is from the January 10th issue of Young Magazine.

 Second set from 2016 is from the June 20th edition of Big Comic Spirits which was one of her first ever covers. What I've noticed is that over the years Mariya's spreads and books have become much more revealing which you will see in the newer spreads below plus her others from the past few years.

 In a way hate to call Mariya an ex-Idol as she left AKB well over eight years ago and has any graduate been as busy as she has over that time? I would say NO and last month finally made a return to acting guest starring on a drama, first off for recent spreads is this set from the June 25th issue of Flash.

 Second up for newer spreads is this set from the August 13th edition of SPA! and this is what I meant about her newer spreads being a bit more revealing.

 For today's final set of pics Mariya is the cover girl for the August 23rd issue of Friday. You may notice that two of the below photos are similar to the bottom one above so guess the magazines are published by the same company. This spread doesn't have a video but the above SPA! one does which is rare for the magazine and it's after the pics, to me this is one of Mariya's top videos ever and just wish it was longer....

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