Sunday, August 25, 2024

Miku Tanaka: Yet another cold shower inducing post of this and that's....


 Been wanting to do this post for over a week but felt it wasn't large enough and was waiting for some new photos. Which never really happened but aren't 43 new pics good enough for a post? If the pics are steamy ones of Miku of course the answer is yes, when you add a few older things have close to sixty photos for this post and really wanted to get this done now as I expect there to be another post for Miku in about three weeks. That would be for her 23rd birthday which takes place on September 12th, that's also the date when her second photobook will be released and there should be many new things between now and then.

 Gulp, hard to type when the above pic is staring you in the face but no complaints from me!!!! Keep saying I would do some sort of preliminary post for this year's faves list and had thought about doing that today but sure most would rather view this post. So will probably end off the month with that fave's list post and I have no idea how things are going to work out this year. This does mark the tenth anniversary of the list but it would be the hardest to do as so many huge faves have disappeared. Last year 29 women hit the six post mark that's needed to qualify for the list, bet this year won't even see twenty. However of those who are eligible Miku is one of them as she's already up to eleven posts this year and this would be her third consecutive year being among my top ten faves. She has been more consistent than any other woman in 2024 and her posts have also been the best but I just have a hard time placing Miku as my #1 for a year. That's no knock on her and that preliminary post is good for me as I can muse about thoughts such as that.

 Miku has been in two dramas this year which is usually a big plus but I haven't seen either though have heard both are good. I've really grown so weary of current dramas so as most know have been viewing mainly older shows and I've been enjoying those immensely. Up first are these pics from her IG page that have come out in the last three weeks but doesn't seem there's as many as usual. The bottom two pics are new promo ones for a film coming out in December 20th titled "Saint Oniisan the movie: Holy Men vs Akuma Gindan". That appears to be a sci-fi flick and the cast has so many popular actors but Miku will have a largish role playing the role of a Sentai fighter named Jossy Yellow and hopefully can have more info in her next post.

 So as mentioned Miku's second PB will be coming out on September 12th so most of that next post should be devoted to it. Am expecting there to be a few more magazine spreads to promote it along with some interviews and an event. Plus some new outtake pics from the book, have eight below and three have come out since her last post. That top pic is one of the covers and if you look at it a bit more closely it's one ultra fabulous photo!

 Have a pair of new magazine spreads with this first set being from the September issue of Bessatsu Young Champion. Of course she's the cover girl but have noticed her spreads this year have been a bit smaller then the ones from 2022/23.

 Before getting to the other new spread am going to have an encore viewing of this set from the June 17th issue of Big Comic Spirits. Am doing that for I want you to check out the cover which of course Miku graces, doesn't it look to be almost a clone of the cover for the final spread which follows this one.

 So after what I said of course the final set for today is from Big Comic Spirits and their August 19th issue. Naturally Miku looks so alluring and though the cover looks so similar to the above one the spreads are entirely different. No recent videos so will skip having any for today, did say in the beginning how it was hard for me to think of Miku as being my #1 for a year though I just may have to consider her to currently hold that position as her competition has faded away....

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