Thursday, August 8, 2024

Miu Shitao: Her second captivating intro post....


 So while the amount of posts are fewer compared to years ago in reality you are actually getting more and bet that sounds a bit odd. Few times lately had to go back to grab some info or photos from older posts, say around 2016/17/18. I noticed how much smaller posts were back then as most would contain 35-45 pics which in a way should be enough for a post. But for the last five years most posts will have at least seventy pics and this one for today should have eighty or more. Plus there's much more news and info in posts these days so while you may be seeing fewer posts there is so much more when you look at the whole picture and hope that makes sense. 

Miu's first post done eleven days ago has drawn a decent amount of views, was hoping to have two more posts after this one but it appears there will be three. Miu has been busier than I thought over the last two years and the more I read up about her the more likable she's become to me. Of course she looks super duper(in my eyes) but she's also a talented actress and does have a good head on her shoulder. There hasn't been too much going on for her since April but think the main reason is because two months prior Miu released her first photobook and it's common for Idols to stay out of the spotlight for a while after they have a book. To me that doesn't make much sense but that's the case in most groups, this post will be like the first one and have a mix of older and semi recent things.

 Whew, hard to top that above pic!!!! Have a lot of things for today so let's get right to them. Miu has an IG page but lately hasn't been posting too many solo photos of herself so will have one more batch from 2023 which are mainly from September and October.

 Thought there were many AKB cards to date for 2024 but that's not the case, below are from this year but there aren't all that many after these. Did mention above how Miu is an actress and though there's been none so far for 2024 she has been in eight stage plays. Plus last year was in a TV horror anthology movie which looks quite good but haven't been able to find it and will end off the post with one other bit of acting info.

 Here's a way too small set of pics which came out last October for the clothing brand UNAlloyed, it'd be nice to see Miu do more modeling and why was there only this small batch?

 Bottom two above were from some event and maybe she just did those few modeling pics for the event. Miu hit the age of 23 in April so don't want to go back before 2022 for her things but still have plenty from the past two years. Included in that plenty are magazine spreads and must have eight of them to get to, will have a pair for today and this set is exactly two years old which is from a special Flash edition called 'Best of Summer 2022'.

 That is one terrific spread above and will just have one more for today as to make sure these posts can continue on for a while. Miu released her first photobook on February 9th but won't have anything about it for today. What I'm thinking is that devoting a post to the book would be better as there are a few mag spreads to promote it along with some interviews and there was also an event so when those are mixed together think they will turn into a terrific post. For Miu's second spread have another fabulous set from 2022 that's from the June 27th issue of WPB.

 Will end off with this batch of pics and as said twice Miu does seem to be an accomplished actress. She had the lead female role in the "Pecopin and the Devil" movie that was released on June 2, 2023. It's based upon a Victor Hugo novel titled "The Story of the Bold Pecopin" and is supposed to be a dark fantasy though also a love story. Below have some pics from the movie's June 2, 2023 premiere and there were other events that I may have some photos from in future posts. There's also a few stills from the movie below and the name of her character was Ami. After the pics is a trailer for the film and in all honesty it does look it may be worth a view but good luck finding it....

1 comment:

  1. Miu is easily the most attractive AKB member right now.
