Monday, August 5, 2024

Usa Hiiragi: Her mesmerizing new "Strike!" digital book plus one magazine spread....


 Am so shocked the magazine spread for today was never posted as it was from a huge special mag that featured al of the other BababaBambi members. It's not her best to date and even though it's been a slow stretch for Usa since February could have had it in a group post. Will try to have one of those soon as my fave member Mio did graduate a week ago and to say I have adored her immensely for over four years would be such an understatement! This will be the only post for today though there are seventy new photos, may be taking tomorrow off but that's not 100% certain. However do have quite a few posts that will be coming up after that and this is one of those stretches where digital books for my faves have come out so you will be seeing many of those posts coming up.

 Usa is a somewhat huge fave of mine as she's the youngest woman who I do posts for, in May she hit the age of 21. But to me she looks so fabulous and one major reason for introducing Usa at a young age is that I had a strong feeling she could be someone I could do many posts for in the future. For the most part that has worked out though it has been a slower stretch for her but then again BababaBambi hasn't been too busy. On February 7th there was a special Strike! magazine issue for the J-Pop gals of the Familia agency which Baba is a part of. So posted the spreads for the other four members but for some reason didn't do Usa's and that baffles me. So here's the spread which in a way does promote the book but that wasn't released for over five months. The first half of the spread is just Usa but then she's joined by a member of #Mooove! who is Saki Ishihara. She will also have a few photos in the book and will confess to not knowing much about the group though have heard of them. She does look good but is a bit too young for me and had also been in the J-Pop group #YOYOYO.

 On to the digital book which the Strike! magazine didn't release until July 31st and perhaps they spread those books out. It contains 55 photos with the first 47 being solo ones of Usa and doesn't she look so alluring?! She sure does and viewers here seem to like her quite a bit as I think last year she was the tenth most popular woman who I posted about. There is a video of the photo shoot but couldn't find it on YT but that's okay as there is a better video of Usa after the pics for a February WPB digital book which has been posted and that's after the pics.

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