Sunday, August 4, 2024

Yui Kobayashi: Her graduation cards(fifty!?!?) but with a major twist.... part two


 Hard to pick what photos to begin off with her as there's so many tremendous ones but sadly there may never be any more. But will try to have another post for Yui in about a month as on August 28th the DVD for her graduation concert will be released, wouldn't it be something if she made her return then? So as the title says this is part two of her grad cards, the first post was done a week ago. The major twist is that none of these cards feature her and that's the second time it's happened for a member but then again am thinking were they the only two with grad cards? This post is smaller as there's 22 less cards and maybe I won't have all of them as I want to finish this off quickly to pen another post. Some members tend not to have many cards and had always wondered why but may have come up with an answer. They're often the more popular members such as Hikaru and Karin so maybe their cards sell out quickly which is why I can't get their full sets but it is rare for '46' cards to sell out. One other thing is that I checked for Hina graduation cards as three members have left in seven months. Such as my fave Kyoko but none of that trio had grad cards so those aren't as common as I thought.

 Give me about a week and will have a regular group post with a bit more variety such as 2024 Keya cards and am I behind with those as there are so many! Yesterday the group performed at the Rock In Japan Festival and did eight songs, bet it was very hot as the show was outside in the afternoon. The festival is being held at the Soga Sports Park in Chiba, do have some photos below from it and will have more in the next group post. Am hoping there is a video of it but haven't found one yet, did say in the beginning how a grad DVD was coming out at the end of the month and they have so few concerts available on video.

 Two former members were hosts for the festival and also have had a pair of shows together to promote it. One is Neru and just did a post for her less than a month ago, I really like her. Can also say the same about Aoi and she was the other ex-member to be a host at the concerts. Her solo career as a newscaster is going well and in a huge surprise was the cover girl for the July 22nd issue of Big Comic Spirits, doesn't she look so fabulous these days!!!!

 Have one other mag spread for today and it seems most of the recent ones have been for the 3G gals. Not sure if I'm correct but bet Airi could be the most popular of the newest members and she does appear in more spreads than any other Keya member. I like her too but wish she was a bit older and this set is from the April edition of Brody.

 Lets get to this second set of grad cards and in that last post gave most current info about the members so this should be much shorter. While these cards are terrific even better are the new ones that have come out the last four months and there's so many think it would be a good idea to devote some posts to them. As usual first up is Keya's oldest member Rina who will be turning 28 in exactly five months but I think she looks better than ever! Following her is Fuyuka and missing from 1G is Minami, she was on hiatus when the grad concert took place so perhaps that's why she had no cards. Rounding out this batch is Rei and I do miss having solo posts for her but she is in the video at the bottom of the post, after her is Hono and last but certainly not least is Keya's captain Rina.

 Keya's third Rina begins off this set and I've always thought she's quite attractive but wish she would pack on a few pounds. Keya's only member from Mie prefecture is up next and that's Marino who is followed by Akiho. This will be a larger batch with six members and that's because many didn't have full sets of cards, the main reason being is that I should have gotten these months ago. The last trio for second generation members is Kira and after her is Hikari with Yui bringing up the rear.... doesn't she look so darn good these days?! Almost all of the 2G members are 22+ in age and many will soon be over 25 so while graduations may not be too common over the next few months 2025 may be a different story.

 Almost done with this post and remaining are the third generation members and only one is 22 in age so none of them are going anywhere soon. That member is Rika who leads off this set and after her is Reina who I have been noticing more as of late and would like to see her have some solo mag spreads. Up third is Yuzuki and she too does look good, how I wish their 'Soko' show would start to get subbed again by the team that had been doing that for years as I would like to get to know more about these newbies. Will squeeze everyone left into this final batch and had said would leave a few members out. Fourth below is Itoha and will confess that I know zero about her, she's followed by Riko. Rounding out this set are Nagisa who I think also looks mighty fine but like the last member Miu wish these members were a bit older. Keya does have a YT channel for member videos, there are some good ones but there hasn't been all that many the last two months and is it because they were on tour? But after the pics is a very entertaining video of three members showing us their skills on the Basketball court. All can play well but Rika was by far the best, she's fast and can dribble fairly well.

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