Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nene Shida: A quartet of ultra scorching magazine spreads....


 Is that top photo unbeatable(?!), it sure is to me but there's zero wrong with that second pic and you could say that about a few other thousand Nene photos!!!! Will admit I have grown a bit weary doing posts for most gravure models, after a while their pictures tend to look the same and while they're all terrific don't enjoy viewing them as much as I once did. However will never, never say that about Nene who is my all time gravure model and to me looks better than ever.... how is that possible! This will be a very simple post as there will just be the mag spreads, don't have much time today for blogging but wanted to get at least one super super post done.

 This does seem to be a slower year for Nene and in a way it is yet she's now up to eleven posts for the year and think only two other woman top that. This now makes it sixty overall which have all come since December 2020 and no one has had more posts since then. Hmmmm, had been reading Nene hasn't had to do as much modeling for she patented a word that's often used to describe her, many have taken to using it but only she deserves to do so but she is making quite a bit of $$ from it. That word is PERFECTION and seeing as how there is no woman in history who top her looks so only she is deserving of that word! Was really hoping we would see her third photobook this year but guess it won't be happening. Her second came out exactly one year ago and was a solid seller as it had three reprintings. But Nene has always done more than gravure modeling as she does co-host two variety shows plus will be in her second stage play of the year that opens up in October 18th so will have her next post around that date but hopefully can have one other one before that.

 As the title says do have three new magazine spreads that total up to be 35 photos but try to have posts a bit larger than that. So here's an encore viewing of her June 7th Friday spread, for a while Nene wasn't appearing on too many covers but has that honor for three of today's sets.

 That above spread was promoting a web photobook, did have part one in her last post and the second part will be in her next one. Up second is the smallest of today's sets which is another one from Friday and their July 26th edition. Actually three of these spreads are a bit older and didn't realize Nene hadn't had a post since early July.

 This is the newest of the quartet and once again she's the cover girl which is for the September 17th issue of Flash. Nene has qualified for the yearly fave's list three times, in order she's finished eleventh, second and fifth which is mighty impressive. This year marks her fourth time being eligible but not sure what position she'll end up at, perhaps around fifth again though if there was a list of attractiveness she would be my #1 😍 from now until time ends!!!!

 Will end off with the largest spread and is from the July 15th issue of WPB, slightly dated but as mentioned hadn't done a post for Nene since early July. The date of this final spread was also the date Nene celebrated her 26th birthday, that's certainly not old but the ages of most woman I post about are approaching thirty and many are now above that figure. Not many recent gravure videos but there is a mini one for this spread and that's after the pics.

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