Saturday, September 7, 2024

Yui Kobayashi: Forget her being the ninth wonder of the world.... she's of course NUMBER ONE!!!!


 Of course I think the heading for this post is right on the money though could be the only person in the world to think that way! Was going to use the word Comeback in the title but wasn't sure of what will be happening in the future though think she has returned or is in the process of doing so. Also didn't want to call this The best piece of news for the year as her spending almost seven months in hibernation has been the worst news since this blog began so will call it a wash with her disappearing and returning. Seven months is a long time to take a break, too long in my eyes as have many forgotten about Yui? Of course I never have or will but it's happened to much more popular Idols than herself and just prior to writing this up began to think about what Idols have had a consistent amount of posts since leaving their groups?

 The first woman that comes to mind is Akari from SKE who has the post below this one and all graduates need to emulate how she's done things for no one has done it better. Then there's Miyuki from NMB who seems to get busier as the years go on plus there's Iori from Nogi and no one has had more posts than her the past year. She does quite a bit of gravure modeling and so don't the first two mentioned to a small extent, wonder if Yui would consider doing that line of work and in my eyes very few can top her figure 😍. Ooooh, almost forgot to mention Nana from AKB and her doing gravure modeling had made her very popular along with her AKB mate Mariya. Bet since those five have left their groups they've had two hundred posts here or about forty each so it is possible to remain  popular or to even increase the level you may have been at.

 Though she's hit a slowish period lately Mai from Nogi in that top pic has been busy since graduating. And of course there's Yui's close Keya mate Risa and she had done quite a bit since leaving the group in May 2022. But she has done so little the past eight months and that's also very common which is that an Idol is busy for 8-12 months after leaving their group and then for some reasons the activities seem to decrease rapidly. Some examples of that are Hinako and Miona from Nogi as it's been a while since either has had a post, you can also throw Miru from NMB into the mix along with many others. But everyone is a bit different and bet some do decrease their activities for they no longer want to be busy or perhaps are easing out of show biz. We'll just have to wait and see what takes place with Yui but promise to have a pair of posts for her the next seven weeks. The first hopefully will be at the end of the month and the next around October 23rd which would be for her 25th birthday.

 Have already blabbered on for too long so won't go into this next thing too much for now. About two weeks ago did a preliminary post for this year's faves list, in it mentioned that even though Yui was AWOL for so long during that time I realized how she may be my number one woman of all time!!!! 😍 Think she has been in that position for a while but never did want to admit, maybe she's been my #1 for over three years. When Yui graduated on February 1st and then disappeared until recently that hit me harder than any other Idol graduating or any other woman I posted often about disappearing. I lost so much interest in the current J-Pop scene along with Keya, all that was because of Yui who had kept my interest high for both of them. But there are many other things that have made Yui my number one woman 😍 and will continue on with this in her next post.

 Since January 2020 only one woman has more posts than she does, may have one for her rival in 2-3 days plus I have worked harder to have posts for Yui than any other gal. There should be a good amount of pics for today, some are from the past ten days while others are from earlier this year but had never been seen before so all in all there should be close to seventy new pics for here. First off are these photos from her IG page, she had gone from early February until late August without posting any and the first four are from today.

 Those bottom pics above are of her promoting her graduation concert that came out on DVD August 28th. She did do a bit of commentary on one section of the DVD so she did do one thing over those months. Do have the DVD but had already seen the February 1st concert as it had been streamed but the quality of this video is much better. What I was more interested in was an hour long behind the scenes segment which is what Yui had added some commentary to, it had a lot of rehearsal footage and some mini interviews. Below are some screenshots I took from that segment but wish so many members hadn't been wearing masks.

 In January and February quite a few Keya cards had come out for Yui. Many of them were in her last post and have the rest here which will be her final ones ever from the group.

 Until that very long hiatus Yui had been a model for the andGirl site/magazine. Her last set of pics for them came out at the beginning of last December so figured she was no longer a model with them. But luckily think I was wrong with that as these photos just came out a few days ago at their site so am really hoping many more will be on the horizon.

 Yui's largest and best spread by far was for andGirl and their October 2023 issue. Here's an encore viewing of that spread and we need to see many more of these, from 2018 to early 2021 no Keya member appeared in more magazines but those spreads really slowed down the last three years.

 Will end off with this batch of fabulous pics for my #1 woman 😍 and will admit it feels nice saying that about her but how will her old mate from Keya feel about that?

 Guess I will have to edit the above and would have thought five years ago my top two women would have been from Keya? In a way I may have but there are a pair not far behind the duo. At one time Yui appeared at every large fashion show but hadn't been at one for exactly a year. Today she was at the Autumn 'Tokyo Girls Fashion' show that was held at the Saitama Super Arena and that's her hometown, Considering the show took place today do have a good amount of fabulous photos from it, she took her stroll on the Creative Salon stage. There were a few other Keya members at the show, it's been a while since any posts for a gal but will have a pair coming up soon and in a surprise no Hina member was at today's huge show. So far there's no video from the show but after the pics do have one that features strolls of a few older TGC shows and really like the way Yui looked at the show beginning at the 1:18 mark.


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