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Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sayaka Yamamoto: Her historical.... "Sayagami" photobook scans, a repost


 Here's another oldie yet goldie photobook in this mini 'Reposting Series', unsure how many more there will be as it could just be five or then again twenty! If older posts had the pictures linked to Photobucket they're unviewable and will be doing most of the posts over, this wasn't one of those kinds of posts. Have also been combining books that had 2-3 posts and that was common up until 2017, guess I was trying to bump up the post counts which wasn't needed. So this book originally had two posts and they could have easily fit into one plus it makes it harder to view a book that's spread out over a few posts.

 Another reason could be because I got a higher quality book but that too didn't happen though did put the pictures in a better order. There is one other reason for this series and that's to revive a few older favorites of mine who may never have another post and could be forgotten about by you viewers. Sayaka was definitely someone I had liked for a long time plus her posts here were always popular and by 2018 she had over forty of them. That was the year she graduated from NMB, have followed her to a slight extent since then and it really isn't possible to do regular kinds of posts for her these days.

 Have said it many times before about some older faves and that's where has the time gone? It's not that Sayaka is elderly(!) but back in July she did hit the age of 31, last month marked six years since she left NMB. These days Sayaka is one of the few J-Pop Idols who has remained in the music industry and she's a somewhat rocker. Used somewhat as I thought Sayaka's music would be much more rockin' and while the songs are decent enough they could use a jolt of energy. While with NMB very often she would perform one of her own songs at a concert and play the guitar, the tunes back the had a punky edge to them which I really liked ad while her present day songs are good they don't stand out from the rest. Sayaka's singles and albums chart well but just sell a so-so amount of copies but that's the case for most solo artists these days and hope I didn't sound negative as Sayaka's songs are good but just thought they would be better however will give her some praise for staying in the music industry. EDIT: More about her music below....

 This was Sayaka's first photobook, she has three with her second also being a gravure book and she also had one for her 2018 graduation. This book came out on November 21, 2012 and in an odd twist that was also when Miyuki's first book was released, did management do that on purpose? In an upset Miyuki's "Milky" book sold 30,000 copies to this book's 28,000 in their first week out. The photo shoots for the book took place in her hometown of Osaka and also the isle of Okinawa. "SY" is the title of her second book and think I will do a repost of that also. A main reason as I would like to listen to her music once again, especially her newer songs and perhaps my opinions will change. EDIT: Did just watch a few videos on YT, need to play more but will say her 2023 single "Bring it On" is quite good and very upbeat. On to the book which is a large one at 128 pics and at the time Sayaka was 21 in age, her looks haven't changed all that much over the years. A good idea would be to have the "Milky" book up next so you can compare the two, management tried to make them 'rivals' but the pair in real life were good friends.

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