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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Yuka Kohinata: Hopefully her triumphant return with a blazing.... "Friday" magazine digital book!!!!


 Hopefully most of you read the post just below this one so I don't have to repeat myself on too many things. Was hoping to write close to ten posts up in advance and set the dates for them to be be published over the next 10-14 days. Ten posts does take a while so only can do half of them with this being the third and keeping my fingers crossed my worrying will go for naught but sadly don't think that'll be the case. So am not going to write up any more posts after the next two and will take a leave until my housing situation is settled and still find it hard to believe such a crisis could happen.

 What I also find hard to believe is why the posts for Yuka ceased, it's been so long since her last one can't recall why I stopped doing posts for her. Yuka had eleven of them from September 2011 until February 2023 and to me so looks super duper to the Nth degree so the mystery is why did the posts suddenly stop 23 months ago? Perhaps I was getting tired of doing posts for gravure models and think that just may have been a reason but why stop the posts for her and not others? That will remain an enigma and least it's nice knowing that in the future still have many things from the past two years I can post about Yuka. Who hit the age of 27 in August but has been a bit quiet since as I don't recall seeing her in any magazines or having any books the last four or more months. Yuka has been working harder on her acting career and has been the host of an internet variety show that began in August. But all in all the last six months haven't been too busy for Yuka as she was everywhere for such a long stretch of time and could be taking a bit of a breather.

 Did say I was going to write up two posts after this before beginning a hiatus which I hope is very brief but may do one other which would feature some of Yuka's many magazine spreads from the last two years. Have two other things besides the book which came out in March 2023, such as these photos from Yuka's IG page that she posted in the Spring of 2023 or about the time the book came out. There's a lot of pics from photo shoots but she slowed way down on posting these kind over the last year.

 To promote the book Yuka was the cover girl for the February 3, 2023 issue of Friday and it was a bit early as the book wasn't released for almost two months.

 Do recommend checking out Yuka's older posts as they contain plenty of bio info plus of course so many ultra alluring photos! On to the digital book which the Friday magazine released on March 31, 2023 and there's a total of 83 photos in the batch. Didn't see a video on YT from the photo shoot so have another after the pics that's also from 2023 and hadn't been posted. Yuka looks so tempting in it and she does have many sweltering ones on YT that are worth checking out.

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