Thursday, November 29, 2012

Poison drama: episode 1 screenshots

 Just started on this currently airing drama and have been really impressed with it, only through the first two episodes but think we may have a real winner here. Not going to give a review for each episode, perhaps just a quick recap but will do plenty of screenshots for each episode and then once it finishes will do a more thorough review of the series. Think every episode will follow the same storyline, someone is in trouble and the only way out is to give the person who is causing them the trouble an undetectable poison which leaves the person who takes it dead in exactly 24 hours, but the catch is that it appears the person who gives the other the poison doesn't have all the facts and it turns out to be a senseless death, least the first two episodes that's been the case. Check out the next two posts after this for many more screenshots from the show.

Quickie synopsis:
Genius scientist Matsui Toichi (Ayabe Yuji) has disappeared after developing the “ultimate poison”. The poison will cause death by heart failure 24 hours after a person has consumed it, and its toxic ingredient is completely undetectable. Right after that, Matsui starts appearing at various scenes at unexpected moments like a chimera. As if conducting and experiment, he hands the drug to people and watches what happens … … Detective Sasamoto Naomi (Usuda Asami) suspects the presence of a poison that makes the perfect crime possible and pursues Matsui and the poison. 15 years ago, her detective father died under suspicious circumstances, and she has a strong interest in cases where the cause of death has is too many contradictory points.

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