Sunday, January 19, 2014

Manami Higa: "Clear" photobook scans #1

 Trying to go back and delete the older posts that I had uploaded the pics from Photobucket, their monthly bandwidth limit is so ridiculous as it's way too easy to hit the limit halfway through the month so getting rid of those older posts and uploading the pics from my computer, that's really the best way to do it. When I first posted these Manami scans from her first and only PB "Clear" it was very popular, those two posts may be in the top 25 of most viewed posts here but noticed that the pics aren't viewable, needed to change that right away. Not as revealing as other photobooks but this is one of my all time fave books, Manami looks beyond stupendous in every pic, what a dazzling woman she is, also check out part #2 of the scans in the next post. First view pics here are from a fan signing event for the book which came out in April 2012.

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