Friday, May 16, 2014

Sakurako Ohara: A little of this and that #1

 Never knew much about Sakurako until I watched episode 1 of Shinigami-kun, she guest starred in it and really did a solid job. That's her first drama appearance and she's only appeared in one movie to date which came out last December and she had the second biggest part in it, film is called "Kanajo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru", DVD is coming out on June 25th so I'll be on the lookout for it. Not a lot out there yet for Sakurako yet but have the feeling she's really going to be popular soon and we'll be the first here to notice that, she is quite a cute young woman and she just turned 18 on January 10th. First off is one mag spread for her and this is from Big Comic Spirits #1 2014.

 These pics of Sakurako are from a special screening of the "Kanajo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru" film last November.

 From the "Kanajo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru" premiere last December 14th.

 And this will end it off, do have more things on Sakurako but will save them for another post which I'll probably doing next week, like I said she's fairly new so there isn't all that much available yet. Pics here are from the 23rd "Japan Movie Critics Award" show which took place in April, Sakurako won the award for "Rookie of the Year" for her role in the "Kanajo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru" movie.

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